Getting Started - RegistrationMagic WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Mon, 05 Aug 2024 09:32:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RegistrationMagic Starter Guide Sun, 04 Aug 2024 06:49:04 +0000 Thank you for installing RegistrationMagic. Our team has come up this quick and easy to follow Starter Guide. With the help of this guide, you’ll begin working with RegistrationMagic like a pro in no time. Saddled up your horses already? Let’s begin with… Create Registration Form Coming back to the most pertinent question – How […]

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Thank you for installing RegistrationMagic. Our team has come up this quick and easy to follow Starter Guide. With the help of this guide, you’ll begin working with RegistrationMagic like a pro in no time.

Saddled up your horses already? Let’s begin with…

Create Registration Form

Coming back to the most pertinent question – How to add a registration form to a frontend WordPress registration page? Once RegistrationMagic is installed and active, a new admin menu item will appear inside your WordPress dashboard, titled RegistrationMagic. This menu item allows you access to important internal features of RegistrationMagic. While there are multiple submenu items attached to it, the first and the most important one is the All Forms menu item, which will open automatically each time you click on RegistrationMagic menu item.

Quick Create Form (Option 1)

All Forms menu item is connected to the All Forms page which presents a card view of all the forms created using RegistrationMagic. When you first install RegistrationMagic, the forms view may look rather spartan, but it is designed to organize and manage hundreds of forms, if you ever wish to.

Notes that the view will look differently (below) if you have switched the view of ‘All Forms’ to ‘Cards View’ (optional). We recommend that you create your first form from the ‘List View’ screen, as shown above.

Please note, there will be a Login Form pinned at the beginning of the forms view; the Login Form cannot be deleted. Although using RegistrationMagic’s login form is optional, it allows you many advantages above a generic login form like high degree of configurability, security features, data logging etc.

For now, let us focus on creating forms.

On top left of the page, right beneath the page title All Forms, you will find a link to create a new form. Once you click on it, a popup will appear.

Once this popup appears, there are a few things you can do to personalize your upcoming form. Firstly, you must enter a name for your form, with which you can later easily identify the form. This guide assumes the form name is set to My Registration Form.

Secondly, right below the text box to enter form name, you can see an additional checkbox option Turn off user registration for this form. If you check this option, the form will not create WordPress user account for the users submitting this form. Checking it will also not add username and password fields to your form.

As soon as you click the Save and Close button, All Forms page will refresh and you will find a new form with the name you entered in the popup (My Registration Form in this case), right next to the Login Form.

As you can see, the minimum it takes to create a form is to set its name. But it will be a very bare-bone form with hardly any functional value. Therefore, you must add fields to it.

Create from Form Templates (Option 2)

Clicking on Start Now! under the section Looking for form templates? in the new form popup will redirect you to a questionnaire based form creation wizard which will help you configure essential form settings before finally saving it. Remember, these settings can also be changed later using the form dashboard. The major advantage of this method is an additional option to select a form template. This allows you to create a form populated with essential fields.

Add Form Fields

At the bottom of the form card on the All Forms card view, you can see couple of action items.

Here’s quick description of these action items and their purpose: Fields allow direct access to form’s Field Manager. You can modify form’s layout from this page. Dashboard redirects you to form’s overview page with access to form statistics and options.

Let’s click on the Fields action item to start adding fields to this form.

The Fields Manager screen shows all the fields that your form currently has. Since this is a new form, you’ll already have an Email field in it. The Email field exists on each form by default and cannot be removed. The Username and Password fields will also be there if it is a registration form you have created. To add more fields to the form, you can click on the Add Field button.

Clicking on the Add Field button will open a popup from where you can select the type of field that you wish to add to your form.

Click on any field type from this list and it’ll open the screen to set the properties of that field. Edit its properties as you like and then click Add to Form. This will then add the field to the form. Please note that all fields when added to a form are added within a row. So you can customize a row to contain up to 4 fields in a horizontal setup. To edit a row, hover your cursor over a field and three options will show up on top of it. Click on the cog icon to open up row settings.

Edit the row settings as you like from the Row Properties popup and the click on the Save button. Other important links to check on the Field Manager screen are the Design and Preview links. The Design screen will allow you to customize the look and feel of the form fields. The Preview link will show you a preview of the form’s appearance on site front-end, without actually publishing the form.

Now that you have fleshed out your form by adding fields, it is time to configure the form.

Configure the Form

You can configure the form from the Form Dashboard. Let’s revisit these optional features later.

Publish the Form

To publish the form on site front-end and make it live for users to register, you’ll need to add the form shortcode to a WordPress registration page. Just go back to the All Forms screen first by clicking on the button at the top left of the Fields Manager screen. On the form card for the form you have created, you’ll see the WordPress shortcode of the form. This will look like:

This Form has no fields.

Copy and paste this shortcode into a WordPress registration page (or post) and publish it. Or, you can choose a form from the dropdown next to the Add Media button, which will add the shortcode for it automatically. Next, you need to add this page to a menu from Appearance -> Menus option from the WordPress Dashboard. The form will now show up on the WordPress registration page the you just created.

So, you have now created a new registration form, added fields to it, and published it on WordPress registration page front-end. That’s great progress! Your site visitors can now register on it with the use of this new registration form.

Although the process of creating a form and then publishing it is now complete, we recommend that you go ahead and have a look at Form Dashboard.

Form Dashboard

Clicking on the Dashboard link from the bottom of the form card, will take you to the Form Dashboard screen. This is where you can configure the settings of your form. Note that global configuration is done from the Global Settings (Left menu item). There are many widgets available on this screen, so let’s explore them one at a time.

Dashboard Widgets

  1. Submissions over time: This is a chart showcasing stats of your form visits and actual form submissions. You can filter the results of this chart for specific time range using the Show data for dropdown option.
  2. Status: This widget on the side shows the shortcode of the form, it’s visibility to the users, and the form’s creation date. You can also delete the form from this widget.
  3. Content: Another one of the widgets on the side, this one shows the number of pages the form has, the number of fields, and the submit button’s label text. You can also duplicate the form from this widget.
  4. Stats: In this widget, you can see the stats, such as number of form visits, form submissions, form attachments (only in premium version), conversion rate, and average time. You can also reset the stats from this widget.
  5. Quick Toggles: To quickly toggle settings, such as auto WP registration and auto response, use this widget.

Dashboard Sections

  1. Build: From this widget, you can visit the Fields Manager and the Design.
  2. Configure: Multiple configuration settings are available from this widget. We encourage you to visit each of these configuration settings on your own. Description of what each option does on these configuration settings is explained next to the options themselves.
  3. Integrate: From this widget, you can integrate your form with some of the most popular third-party services, such as MailChimp.
  4. Publish: Use the settings under this widget to publish your form on the site front-end.
  5. Manage: From this widget, you can access all form submission details in one place. As well as emails sent out to the users from RegistrationMagic.
  6. Analyze: This widget gives you the options to view analytics for your form. Includes options such as form analytics and field analytics.
  7. Automate: The settings under this widget allow you to create automated tasks for user accounts. Includes bulk emails too.

The Form Dashboard widgets are quickly accessible from the All Forms screen, from three dots (…) that are highlighted by hovering your cursor over a form card. (See ‘Build The Form’ section, First Image)

Closing Notes

Before signing off, please note that RegistrationMagic is organized into the following workflows:

Form Workflow: 1. Build 2. Configure 3. Publish
Data Workflow: 1. Manage 2. Analyze 3. Automate

All RegistrationMagic Shortcodes are available in the WordPress Registration Shortcodes list. This concludes our quick Starter Guide on how to create your first WordPress registration page.

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WordPress Registration Shortcodes List Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:11:12 +0000 Mastering RegistrationMagic shortcodes is essential to fully utilizing your WordPress registration plugin. RegistrationMagic offers many WordPress registration shortcodes which allow publishing content on the front-end and inserting variables in your emails to make them more dynamic and professional. These shortcodes include WordPress register shortcode, Login Form, User Directory Form Specific, and more. We introduce new […]

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Mastering RegistrationMagic shortcodes is essential to fully utilizing your WordPress registration plugin. RegistrationMagic offers many WordPress registration shortcodes which allow publishing content on the front-end and inserting variables in your emails to make them more dynamic and professional. These shortcodes include WordPress register shortcode, Login Form, User Directory Form Specific, and more. We introduce new shortcodes with each major release and will keep updating the list.

If you are also building user profiles, memberships, and groups for registered users, do check out comprehensive shortcode list for RegistrationMagic’s companion plugin ProfileGrid.

WordPress Registration Shortcodes List:


Title Shortcode Type Purpose
Login Form [RM_Login] Shortcode Front-end login form
Register Forms / WordPress register shortcode / WordPress from registration shortcode/ WordPress registration form shortcode No form selected
No form selected
No form selected
No form selected
 [RM_Form id='x']  (Deprecated)
Shortcode Publishes a form with ID x
User Directory Form Specific [RM_Users form_id='x'] Shortcode User directory of users who submitted form x
User Directory (All Users) [RM_Users] Shortcode Global WordPress registered users’ directory
User Directory Form Specific with Time Range [RM_Users form_id='x' timerange='year'] Shortcode User directory of users who submitted form x during this period
User Directory All Users with Time Range [RM_Users timerange='year'] Shortcode Global user directory of users who submitted any form during this period
Front-end User Area [RM_Front_Submissions] Shortcode Front-end multi functional user area
Form Field Value {{Username_’x’}} Email Variable Inserts value of a field having ID ‘x’ filled by user in Autoresponder, Automation and Bulk email body
Site Name {{SITE_NAME}} Email Variable Inserts name of the site in New User, User Activation Email, Activate User to Admin email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Username {{USER_NAME}} Email Variable Inserts Username of the user in New User and Activate User Email To Admin email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User’s Email {{USER_EMAIL}} Email Variable Inserts Email of the user in the Activate User Email To Admin email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User Password {{USER_PASS}} Email Variable Inserts Password of the user in the New User email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Email Verification Link {{EMAIL_VERFICATION_LINK}} Email Variable Inserts email verification link in the User Verification email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Email Verification Code {{EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CODE}} Email Variable Inserts email verification unique code in the User Verification email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Email Verification Code Lifetime {{EMAIL_VERIFICATION_EXPIRY}} Email Variable Inserts validity time for verification link/ code in User Verification email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Site URL {{SITE_URL}} Email Variable Inserts website URL in the email body
Direct User Activation Link {{ACTIVATION_LINK}} Email Variable Inserts link to activate users for admin in the Activate User Email to Admin email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Form Submission Data {{SUBMISSION_DATA}} Email Variable Inserts all the form data (labels and values) in the New Submission email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User Submission History {{SUBMISSION_HISTORY}} Email Variable Embeds form submission history of the user in the New Submission email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User Account Data {{RM_USERDATA}} Email Variable Embeds user information of the user in the New Submission email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Username {{username}} Email Variable Embeds username of the user trying to login in the Failed Login Attempt email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Website Name {{sitename}} Email Variable Embeds site name on which the user is trying to login in the Failed Login Attempt email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Login IP {{Login_IP}} Email Variable Embeds IP of the user trying to login in the Failed Login Attempt email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Login Time {{login_time}} Email Variable Embeds time at which the user tried to login in the Failed Login Attempt email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Website Name {{site_name}} Email Variable Embeds site name on which login OTP is generated in the One Time Password email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
OTP Expiry {{OTP_expiry}} Email Variable Embeds expiry duration till which login OTP is valid in the One Time Password email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
OTP {{OTP}} Email Variable Embeds the login OTP in the One Time Password email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Password Recovery Link {{password_recovery_link}} Email Variable Embeds the password recovery link in the Password Reset email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Security Token {{security_token}} Email Variable Embeds password reset security token code in the Password Reset email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Ban Period {{ban_period}} Email Variable Embeds the ban period till which the IP will remain banned after failed login in IP Blocked email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
Ban Trigger {{ban_trigger}} Email Variable Embeds count of failed login attempts before ban in IP Blocked email body in Login Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User EDD Data {{RM_EDD_DETAILS}} Email Variable Embeds Easy Digital Downloads user details in the New Submission email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates
User WooCommerce Data {{RM_WOO_DETAILS}} Email Variable Embeds WooCommerce order history of the user in the New Submission email body in Form Dashboard > Email Templates

Above WordPress registration form shortcodes list is updated till release

Version releases are shared with our users on Facebook page. Stay connected with us on Facebook. For more information regarding RegistrationMagic plugin or shortcodes like WordPress register shortcode, we suggest that you browse our guides and breakthrough ideas.

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How to Install WordPress Registration Plugin RegistrationMagic Mon, 07 Jun 2021 13:08:04 +0000 Most seasoned WordPress admins are aware of the simple plugin installation process and they can skip this section safely. Installing RegistrationMagic Standard You can install RegistrationMagic Standard using two methods: From Dashboard To install RegistrationMagic Standard from the ‘Dashboard’ follow these steps: Step1: Go to the ‘Dashboard’ of your WordPress website. Find ‘Plugins’ on the […]

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Most seasoned WordPress admins are aware of the simple plugin installation process and they can skip this section safely.

Installing RegistrationMagic Standard

You can install RegistrationMagic Standard using two methods:

From Dashboard

To install RegistrationMagic Standard from the ‘Dashboard’ follow these steps:

Step1: Go to the ‘Dashboard’ of your WordPress website. Find ‘Plugins’ on the left menu bar and click on it.

Step2: Click on the ‘Add New’ button on the top left of the page.

 Step3: In the new “Add Plugins” page click on the “Search Plugins” box and type “RegistrationMagic”.

Step4: A new page with search results will show Standard Edition of RegistrationMagic. Click ‘Install Now.’

Step4: Once the installation is complete, click ‘Activate’ to start using the plugin.

From Zip File

You can also install the plugin using a Zip file. Follow these steps:

Step1: Go to the ‘Plugins’ on your ‘Dashboard’ of your WordPress website.

Step2: Click on the ‘Add New’ button on the top left of the page.

Step3: On the next page, click on the ‘Upload Plugin’ button.

Step4: Upload the Zip file of RegistrationMagic Standard and click ‘Install Now.’

Step5: Once the plugin is installed, you will get an ‘Activate Plugin’ option below it. Click it to activate the plugin and start using it.

Upgrading to RegistrationMagic Premium from RegistrationMagic Standard

For installations with RegistrationMagic Standard below v.5

If you have RegistrationMagic Standard below v.5 and want to upgrade it to RegistrationMagic Premium follow these steps:

Step1: Go to the ‘Dashboard’ of your WordPress website and click on ‘Plugins’ on the left menu bar.

Step2: Scroll down and find ‘RegistrationMagic.’ You will see a notification to Update the RegistrationMagic plugin. Click ‘Update Now’ and update the RegistrationMagic Standard.

Step3: Now scroll back to the top and click ‘Add New.’

Step4: On the next page, click on ‘Upload Plugin’ to upload the RegistrationMagic Premium.

Step5: Choose the Zip file of the plugin, click ‘Install Now’ to install, and then ‘Activate’ to activate the RegistrationMagic Premium.

For installations RegistrationMagic Standard v.5 and above

If you have RegistrationMagic Standard v.5 and above and want to upgrade to Registration Magic Premium follow these steps:

Step1: Open ‘Dashboard’ of your WordPress website and click on ‘Plugins.’

Step2: Click on ‘Add New’ on the Plugins page.

Step3: Now click ‘Upload Plugin’ to upload the RegistrationMagic Premium Zip file.

Step4: Upload the Zip file and click ‘Install Now.’ Once the installation is complete, click ‘Activate’ below it and activate the RegistrationMagic Premium.


Upgrading to RegistrationMagic Premium v5 and above, from older versions of RegistrationMagic Premium

If you the older version RegistrationMagic Premium and want to upgrade to RegistrationMagic Premium v5 and above follow these steps:

For installations with RegistrationMagic Premium below v.5

Step1: Go to ‘Plugin’ in your WordPress ‘Dashboard’ and scroll down to find RegistrationMagic Premium.

Step2: Click on ‘Deactivate’ to deactivate the old RegistrationMagic Premium.

Step3: Once the old RegistrationMagic is deactivated, scroll back to the top and click on ‘Add New.’

Step4: Now search for ‘RegistrationMagic’ in the Search Box. From the search results find RegistrationMagic and click on ‘Install Now.’

Step5: Once the installation is complete, you will get an option to activate the plugin. Click ‘Activate.’

Step6: Next scroll back to the top and click ‘Upload Plugin.’

Step7: Upload the Zip file of RegistrationMagic Premium v5 and above. Click ‘Install Now’ once the upload is complete.

Step8: Once the installation process is complete, you will get an option to activate the plugin. Click ‘Activate’ to start using the RegistrationMagic Premium v5 and above.

Note: After the RegistrationMagic Premium v5 and above is activated, you can delete the older version of the RegistrationMagic Premium. All the data from the older RegistrationMagic Premium will be safely migrated to the new version.

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How to Translate RegistrationMagic to your Language Fri, 14 Sep 2018 17:34:03 +0000 Let’s start with the simple process of how you can translate this WordPress user registration plugin to the language of your choice.  All you need to do is head over to RegistrationMagic Translation Project, select your locale, and begin adding your translations. Or you can follow the step-by-step guide given below. There are three ways […]

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Let’s start with the simple process of how you can translate this WordPress user registration plugin to the language of your choice. 

All you need to do is head over to RegistrationMagic Translation Project, select your locale, and begin adding your translations.

Or you can follow the step-by-step guide given below.

There are three ways to translate WordPress plugins or themes into your preferred language:

  • Translating directly on
  • Translating locally using PO editor software
  • And translating on your own website using Loco Translate

However, it is advised by the experts that you translate WordPress plugins on

Step 1: Translate RegistrationMagic

Option 1 (Preferred): Translate RegistrationMagic on

Step1: Login to your WordPress account and head to the RegistrationMagic page on Or you can search for the plugin you want to translate.

WordPress Login

Step2: Click on the RegistrationMagic and on the page, WordPress suggests you translate the plugin into your local language. 

Translate WordPress Plugins

Stap3: Go ahead and click on ‘Help translate it!’ or ‘Development.’

Translate WordPress Plugins

Step4: On the Development page, click ‘Translate “RegistrationMagic – Custom Registration Forms and User Login” into your language.’

Translate RegistrationMagic

Step5: Further, on the next page you will get a list of languages in which you can translate RegistrationMagic. 

Translate WordPress Plugins

Step6: Search for the language you want to translate the plugin in and click on it.

Step7: You can manually add translations to each statement by double-clicking on the translation column. 

Translate plugin

Step8: Click the ‘Suggest’ button once done adding the translation.

Suggest Translation

Step9: Once done translating, you can export the translation file by scrolling down to the page and clicking on Export. 

Step10: The status of the submitted translations will go into ‘Waiting.’

Translate plugin or theme


Option 2: Translating RegistrationMagic offline on your computer

Step1: Go to the RegistrationMagic page on and download the file.


Step2: Open the zip file and click on the ‘Languages’ folder.

Translate wordpress plugins

Step3: In the ‘Languages’ folder you will find .PO files.

po file

Step4: Edit the .po file using any file editor such as POEDIT or POEDITOR.

Step5: Use the above tools to translate the plugin into your locale.

Step6: Once done create an account on, go to the plugin (example: RegistrationMagic) click on Development, then “Translate “RegistrationMagic – Custom Registration Forms and User Login” into your language.

Step7: From the list of languages select the language in which you have translated the plugin in

Step8: Then select “Stable (latest release)”

Step9: Further, scroll all the way down till you find Import Translations

Step10: On the next window select the Translate File

Step11: Finally once you select the file click on Import (It will upload the translations)

Step12: Once uploaded the translations will go into a Waiting state

(Note: Only upload the translated .po file, it is not required to upload any other file or folder from the plugin.)

Option 3: Translate RegistrationMagic using the Loco Translate plugin

With this method, you can translate any WordPress theme or plugin right on your own website using the LOCO translate plugin:

Step1: You’ll need a translation plugin to translate RegistrationMagic on your website. You can use the Loco translate plugin.

Step2: Click on the Loco translate plugin link and download the plugin file for free.

Step3: Next, go to the website ‘Dashboard’ and install the plugin.

Step4: Next, go to Plugin Pages on the left menu bar of this plugin.

Step5: Further, click the RegistrationMagic link on the page.

Step6: Here you can select the Local language in which you want to translate the plugin files.

Step7: In addition to that, select the location and click ‘Start Translating.’ The page will automatically redirect to the Editor Tab.

Step8: Use the Filter translation Field and search the string X that you wish to translate. The String X will be displayed in the source text box.

Step9: Further, go ahead and insert the string Y in the Translation Box. Save the translation.

Step10: Now String X will be replaced by String Y.


Step 2: Approve Your Translated Strings

Translated texts are approved by local WordPress team of volunteers, and not by plugin author. You will have to request one of Translation Editors (PTE) to approve your translation. You can find the PTE assigned to the project on right side bar (scroll down a bit), as an example on this page.

If no PTE is assigned, you can request to become a Translation Editor (PTE) for our plugin here:

Making a PTE Request Template

PTE Request (Link provided for information only, you just need above link “Making a PTE Request Template” to complete the request)

Please make sure you are requesting to become a language editor (PTE) for your language only, otherwise your request will not be approved. You can tag us @metagauss in your request just like the user did here so that local language team knows that we are aware of your request. Volunteers will approve your request on first come first basis.

Once your request is approved, you can approve your translated texts yourself. You will be also able to approve any future translation requests from other users.

Step 3: Get RegistrationMagic for Free as a Reward

Conditions to qualify for reward:

  • Stable (latest release) and Stable Read Me (latest release) progress is less than 79% before you started the translation work
  • Stable (latest release) and Stable Read Me (latest release) progress is above 85% once your finish the translation work
  • RegistrationMagic appears to be translated to locale language

Once above conditions are met we will offer you RegistrationMagic Premium for free.  If you will help us in translating the RegistrationMagic Premium Version we will offer you RegistrationMagic Premium+ completely free as well!

Note that we cannot accept the translation files on the email system. You need to upload the files directly to so the translations are available through your account. (check above process).

You can claim your reward by contacting us on our support portal. Please provide the locale link in your message for quick approval).

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