WordPress Breakthrough Ideas By RegistrationMagic https://registrationmagic.com/tag/wordpress-ideas/ WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Wed, 24 Jul 2024 05:45:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 Match Form Design with WordPress Theme Automatically [Breakthrough Ideas] https://registrationmagic.com/match-form-design-wordpress-theme/ https://registrationmagic.com/match-form-design-wordpress-theme/#respond Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:07:40 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=35253 Do you have a highly successful contact form on your WordPress website? But you are worried whether it will still look good once you change to a new theme design? Most WordPress users find themselves in this tough spot sooner or later. They have an insane amount of user traffic arriving at their contact forms and […]

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Do you have a highly successful contact form on your WordPress website? But you are worried whether it will still look good once you change to a new theme design? Most WordPress users find themselves in this tough spot sooner or later. They have an insane amount of user traffic arriving at their contact forms and the conversion rate is sky-high. However, somehow the design of the site just doesn’t work that well and requires an upgrade. This usually means that the existing contact or registration form skin on the site will have to be styled in order to match the new theme design. That by itself isn’t a concern though. The real concern is how your site users will react to the new form design. The possibility of seeing a dip in your contact form’s conversion rate can torment you without end and make you go through sleepless nights.

Since this is a genuinely scary scenario for most WordPress users out there, the highly talented team at RegistrationMagic decided to address the problem once and for all. RegistrationMagic calls this the “Match My Theme” feature. It is this highly valuable feature that we are going to explore today.

So, What Does “Match My Theme” Mean Exactly?

Does it adapt and style form skin to the active theme on the site automatically?

Will it save you the many many hours required to recreate the same form for the new design?

Will it help you sleep easy at night without worrying what will happen to your form’s conversion rate when you switch to the new theme?

If your form is built using RegistrationMagic, the answer to all these questions is a resounding “Yes”!

Enough talk though! Let us now see this powerful feature in action. We’ll be using a single form built using RegistrationMagic and figure out ourselves how it will looks on multiple different WordPress themes. If you need a quick overview of how to create a contact or registration form using RegistrationMagic, I recommend checking out our Starter Guide first.

When reviewing compatibility with themes, what better way there is than checking out the most popular themes among WordPress users nowadays. Here’s our form with screenshots of how it appears on five of the most popular WordPress themes…

Avada contact form

Avada contact form or registration form design adapts with Avada theme, automatically.

Astra theme form

Divi contact form

Divi contact form or registration form design adapts with Divi theme, automatically.

Divi theme

Neve theme contact form

Neve theme contact form or registration form design adapts with Enfold theme, automatically.

Neve Theme Form

Hello Elementor contact form

Registration form design adapts with Hello Elementor theme, automatically.

Flatsome contact form

Flatsome contact form or registration form design adapts with Flatsome theme, automatically.

RM with Flatsome

With each theme change, the form adapted to the new design perfectly. No tinkering with the design was required at all. Now the themes mentioned above are all based on lighter colors, so you might wonder that the changes you are seeing aren’t that convincing. Well, little do we know that we are both in for a surprise here. As soon as I change to themes that are based on darker colors, everything just starts to get a whole lot more interesting. Don’t believe me? Just see for yourself how RegistrationMagic adapts to the following unusual theme designs…

Coral Dark Theme contact form

Coral Dark contact form or registration form design adapts with Coral theme, automatically.

RM with Coral Dark

Big Blue contact form

Big Blue contact form or registration form design adapts with Big Blue theme, automatically.

RM with Big Blue

Amazing! Isn’t it? It matters little to RegistrationMagic which type of theme you apply onto your WordPress site, it just adapts and style the form design to the theme design without a hiccup.

Adaptability in the Evolution of Web Forms

Gone are those frustrating days when users had to fight with web forms and try to mould them manually to their liking. The web forms of today are more flexible, adaptable and intelligible to the users’ ever growing needs. It is web forms like these that will become the mainstay for WordPress websites worldwide, while those who refused to adapt to the users’ needs will wither away. Imbibing the principle of adaptability, pioneers like RegistrationMagic are surely well placed in the driver’s seat, steering the future course of web form evolution.

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Submitting WordPress Registration Form Before Collecting Payment [Breakthrough Ideas] https://registrationmagic.com/submitting-form-before-collecting-payment/ https://registrationmagic.com/submitting-form-before-collecting-payment/#comments Sat, 18 Jun 2022 15:48:30 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=35585 WordPress Registration Form Payments If you have a paid registration form on your WordPress website, you must have met a lot of users by now who wish to pay offline. Instead of paying online with form submission, most people prefer to pay offline nowadays. This request is increasing by the day as people need the […]

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WordPress Registration Form Payments

If you have a paid registration form on your WordPress website, you must have met a lot of users by now who wish to pay offline. Instead of paying online with form submission, most people prefer to pay offline nowadays. This request is increasing by the day as people need the flexibility to pay at the time of their choosing, by the method of their choosing. The payments need not necessarily take place when users are registering from a form. As the owner of a membership website, or an eCommerce website, it becomes absolutely essential for you to grant this freedom to your users. Giving them this flexibility will send out a strong message that you value your users’ time as well as money. This will eventually give a major boost to your website’s credibility and attract even more users willing to be members of it.

We are going to explore today how RegistrationMagic allows you this flexibility and how that will make people thank you later for the awesome registration experience you provided to them.

Offline Payments – Register Now, Pay Later

RegistrationMagic allows collection of payments even after a user has submitted the registration form owing to its unique ‘Offline’ payment method. Configuring ‘Offline’ payments is fairly quick and easy. All you need to do to make your registration form ‘Offline’ payment compatible, is to activate it from RegistrationMagic’s Global Settings -> Payments settings. See the following screenshots on how I did it for my own registration form…

Global Settings Offline Enable

Global Settings Offline Configure

Once ‘Offline’ payment is configured from the Global Settings, the next step is to create a Product. Products are how RegistrationMagic adds payments to a registration form. You can create as many Products as you want and then add them onto your form using the ‘Add Product’ field. I just created a Product of my own and set its price to $9.99. After that, I added it to my registration form as a ‘Product’ field.

Adding Offline Product Field

There’s a lot more to Products and Payments in RegistrationMagic and I am only covering a few small parts of it here. If you need more details on how to configure Payments and add Products to forms, I’d recommend checking out our Payments Guide: Setup payments on registration form using products.

Now that our Product is added to the registration form, the price will show up to the users on registration. Let us see how our registration form works with ‘Offline’ payment configured on it. I filled out the form with all the details required by it…

Registering with Offline Payment

…And then submitted it…

Offline Registration Successful

Post Submission Process

After submitting the form, I got the form submission successful message and an email was delivered to my inbox by RegistrationMagic. This is the same email template that we configured from the Global Settings -> Payments settings. The email is a message to the user registering from the form to perform a set of actions as decided by the site admin to get his/her user account activated.

In this example, the email is a message to me, as a member trying to register from the form, to contact site administrator on further steps to complete the payment process. The form has registered all the detailed I entered during form submission. And now, it is up to the site administration to activate my account on the site, once I have completed the payment process.

Giving Users the Convenience to Pay Offline

RegistrationMagic’sOffline’ payment method is a pretty neat way to simplify the overall user registration process. It allows you to control which user accounts to activate and which ones not, depending on which users made their due payments in time. And all the while, it allows your users the ease of registering without having to worry about paying at the same time.

So can you, or your site users, ever say no to such a win-win deal? I bet we both have the same answer in our minds.

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6 Reasons to Ditch Your Current WordPress Contact Form https://registrationmagic.com/6-reasons-ditch-wordpress-contact-form/ https://registrationmagic.com/6-reasons-ditch-wordpress-contact-form/#respond Sun, 24 Jun 2018 02:09:02 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=39654 Why You Need to Ditch Your WordPress Contact Form Look around on the web and you’ll see that WordPress contact form plugins are on almost every WordPress site. Regardless of whether it is a basic WordPress contact form or an elaborate multi page enquiry form, people need contact form plugins to receive user feedback. If […]

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Why You Need to Ditch Your WordPress Contact Form
A WordPress contact form can help boost your site in many ways. You will not have to take the hassle of taking in all the users who visit your site. Thus no need to build any user profiles to make your site bulky. Yet you can stay connected to your users via mail or message. 

Look around on the web and you’ll see that WordPress contact form plugins are on almost every WordPress site. Regardless of whether it is a basic WordPress contact form or an elaborate multi page enquiry form, people need contact form plugins to receive user feedback. If you are also using a contact form on your WordPress site, it is highly likely that you are using the ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin. Almost all WordPress users start building their contact forms using the ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin at first, since it is the most used WordPress contact form plugin.

That being said, I am sure you’d be surprised to know how it might just be a hindrance, instead of help, towards achieving your WordPress contact form goals. So, today we are going to discuss 6 reasons why you need to ditch your current WordPress contact form plugin. And adopt a more easy and viable solution in its place.

1. Lack of an Engaging Interface

‘Contact Form 7’, though the most used WordPress contact form plugin, isn’t necessarily the most user friendly. It has the most basic user interface you can expect from a WordPress plugin when building contact forms. Even for a simple task like managing the form fields, you have to work with an interface that looks very much like a code editor. And as you already know, working with WordPress plugins shouldn’t require you to have any know-how of code editing. The interface should be as friendly as possible to someone who even has zero knowledge of code.

Contact Form 7 Form Configuration

When it comes to the interface, instead of using ‘Contact Form 7’, just switch over to the RegistrationMagic plugin. The switch will make you see how intuitive RegistrationMagic’s interface is. And how it allows you to do every operation from an interface that is just too easy on the eyes. You do not need to work with any code-like interface here and every field is sortable with a simple drag and drop action.

RegistrationMagic Fields Manager

2. Lack of Advanced Form Fields

While ‘Contact Form 7’ comes with all the basic form fields you can expect, it can take plenty of time to configure them the way you want. For example, it gives you the drop-down field, however, you’ll have to add options to it manually. Now consider what would happen when you require a ‘Country’ selection field on your form? Would you just sit there for an hour adding all the country names to the drop-down options? Of course not. That’ll be a complete waste of time and effort.

WordPress Contact Form CF7 Drop-down Field

Instead, opt for RegistrationMagic, and see the benefits of its special ‘Country’ form field. All you need to do is just add the field to your form. That’s it! No need to add any country options manually yourself. The same goes for special form fields like ‘Timezone’, ‘Map’, ‘Language’ and many more.

Tips 1: In the same way, users can apply many custom fields to their contact forms with RegistrationMagic. Since these forms only bank on user contact details, you can also add additional email field to WordPress forms.  

WordPress Contact Form Country Field

3. Lack of Tools to Collect User Data

Once users start submitting enquiries through your contact form, there is plenty of information to collect and manage. The ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin only gives you the option to send the data via email. This limits the amount of knowledge you can gain out of that data. Such as the location of the users, how much time they took to fill the form, and even which browser they used to do it. All this valuable data is lost when you only have the option to receive data in emails.

WordPress Contact Form CF7 Form Mail Tab

With RegistrationMagic, however, you get to have complete analysis of user data right within your WordPress Dashboard. And the data isn’t just dumped in front of you. It is organized into well formatted, eye popping charts and graphs. Once you get to use the statistics panel of RegistrationMagic, you’ll never want to go back to the old counter-intuitive methods of collecting contact form data.

WordPress Contact Form Dashboard

Tips 2: In RegistrationMagic the Dashboard of your contact form is the place from where you can do many tasks. Here with just one click of a toggle, you can turn your form into a registration form. Also, you can use this space to take care of your WordPress form design.

4. Lack of Intelligence in WordPress Contact Form

As you already know, the ‘Contact Form 7’ plugin allows you to send contact form submission details via email. However, what if you need to know if a particular user had contacted you before? Or if that person has already bought some products from your site? You can never tell from ‘Contact Form 7’ submission emails the history of a user’s activity on your website.

With RegistrationMagic though, you can know history of the user with the help of a few simple shortcodes. These shortcodes give you access to see the user’s form submission history, his/her user account details, and product purchase history from WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. All you need to do is just add the shortcodes into the form notification email template and RegistrationMagic will send you the data right within the notification emails you receive on form submissions.

New Submission Email Body

5. Lack of User Recognition on Contact Form Fields

‘Contact Form 7’ forms do not recognize if an existing user of the site is filling out the contact form. Hence, it is unable to help out the user with filling in form fields that he/she has already saved in the user account. Now if this user has to use your contact form, again and again, it can get very distressing filling in all the form fields every time.

RegistrationMagic recognizes whether the user filling out the contact form has already submitted it before or not. This WordPress form builder plugin does this by registering user details on the first form submission. And then it checks if the user is already logged in when using the form again. If the user is already logged in, the user data that is saved in the user’s account on the first submission will get filled the second time automatically. This saves the user plenty of time when using your contact form frequently. Such fields can be the user’s address, bio details, birth date etc. In short, you can thus choose to enable autofill contact form fields to save your user’s time.

User Contact Again

6. Lack of Form Design Integration with WordPress Theme

‘Contact Form 7’ has a default way of rendering the contact form on site front-end. This means that it doesn’t really matter which theme you applied to your WordPress site, it’ll have little effect on how the form design will appear to users. When users see the form design not being in harmony with the rest of site design, it can break their sense of immersion, leading to a dissatisfying user experience.

On the other hand, RegistrationMagic does what is expected of a polished WordPress plugin. It matches the design of your contact form with the theme on the site automatically. This doesn’t require any design editing on your part. If any changes happen to the theme design, RegistrationMagic will adopt those changes for the contact form as well. (You can find the link above in Tips 2)


I hope this post gave you a good insight into the evolution of WordPress contact form. And also why the old methods of creating WordPress contact form are no longer feasible. Especially in the face of the cutting edge and innovative features offered by RegistrationMagic.

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7 Unique Ways to Setup WordPress New User Registration https://registrationmagic.com/wordpress-new-user-registration/ https://registrationmagic.com/wordpress-new-user-registration/#respond Wed, 07 Mar 2018 12:49:13 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=35676 WordPress New User Registration Methods What’s the most common way to register users on WordPress website? A user registration form, of course. And why even worry creating a user registration form when WordPress provides you a default registration system of its own? Well, the truth is, almost everyone browsing the web knows by now how the […]

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WordPress New User Registration Methods

What’s the most common way to register users on WordPress website? A user registration form, of course. And why even worry creating a user registration form when WordPress provides you a default registration system of its own? Well, the truth is, almost everyone browsing the web knows by now how the default WordPress new user registration system works and can easily evade registration when interacting with your website. If you are still sticking to the default WordPress new user registration system, it can cost you a lot of potential registration opportunities in the long run.

Today I am bringing to your attention 7 unique ways to register users on WordPress website. The key component that makes these 7 unique ways possible is the highly popular registration plugin: RegistrationMagic. Let us now look at each one of these unique ways in detail…


1. Contact Form

Contact forms are usually used to invite contact requests for various purposes. However, do you know that contact forms can also be used to register new users on WordPress website? If not, let me tell you how RegistrationMagic can help you with that.

RegistrationMagic offers a very simple and elegant way to control whether you wish to register users from your form or not. This setting can be found at two places in the RegistrationMagic Dashboard.

It can be found in the Form’s General Settings

WordPress New User Registration

Or it can be found as a toggle setting in the Form Dashboard itself…

WordPress New User Registration User Register Toggle Form Dashboard


2. Newsletter Sign-up

It is a very popular marketing method to keep your users updated on all latest offers through a newsletter. If you are using a newsletter service on your website, then you should also know that you can register users on WordPress with newsletter sign-up as well.

RegistrationMagic is compatible with all of the popular newsletter services. Whether you are using MailChimpAweber, MailPoet, or Newsletter, RegistrationMagic works magically with them all! To integrate your RegistrationMagic form with the newsletter service of your choice, just visit the Form Dashboard’s Integrate settings.

WordPress New User Registration Form Dashboard Newsletter Integrate


3. Product Purchase Form

If your WordPress site uses WooCommerce to sell products, then RegistrationMagic will allow you to create your very own customer registration form. This form will replace the default one that WooCommerce offers and you can edit the form in whatever way you like.

You can do this by setting the Default Registration Form in WooCommerce Integration settings (In Global Settings) to the RegistrationMagic form of your choice.

WordPress New User Registration User Register WooCommerce Integrate


4. Exclusive Content Access

Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep certain content on your WordPress website hidden from public view. This content could be any sensitive information that should be accessed only by authorized users. Or it could be some copyright content for which people need to pay to access. Either way, you can make good use of this opportunity to register users on WordPress website.

You can create a membership plan with RegistrationMagic to register users on WordPress. And then allow only the registered users to access the restricted content.

Please visit our Payments Guide for more information on how to setup payments with RegistrationMagic forms.


5. External Social Profile Registration

It is not necessary that users always have to provide their details on the registration form right away. If a user already has all the required information on one of his/her social profile, then RegistrationMagic can accept that registration just as well.

RegistrationMagic allows registration compatibility with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Microsoft Live, Instagram and many more.

WordPress New User Registration User Register Social Integrate


6. Event Booking

If you are planning an event, such as a summer camp, and accepting registrations from your website, then this can be a great opportunity to register users on WordPress site as well. To create an event registration form on your website, that also creates user accounts, all you need to do is set a registration limit on your RegistrationMagic form.

Form registration limit can be set either by date, or by number of registrations, or it can be both.

WordPress New User Registration User Register Form Limit


7. Site Launch

Are you aware of the fact that you can register users on WordPress website even before it goes live? Many site owners create a buzz around their website brand before the site is even launched to the public. They do this by setting up a message and a form on their site domain URL to request more information.

If you are in the process of launching a new WordPress website, you can use RegistrationMagic for this purpose by publishing your registration form on a page…

WordPress New User Registration User Register Launch Page Edit

And then making it your site’s home page from WordPress Settings -> Reading.

WordPress New User Registration User Register Homepage Setting

While doing this, do ensure that you do not have any header navigation, sidebars, or footer published on the site.


I hope you found these 7 WordPress new user registration methods useful. We’ll keep on adding more breakthrough ideas like these to our Blog.

Stay tuned!

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How auto-fill user data in WordPress forms? https://registrationmagic.com/autofill-contact-form-fields-user-account/ https://registrationmagic.com/autofill-contact-form-fields-user-account/#comments Mon, 26 Feb 2018 11:20:39 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=35427 Filling out extensive details on the form, especially for registered members, feels burdensome. As a seller, most of the time we tend to retain records of loyal and returning customers, this is where the contact form will remember the basic information. Even returning customers must provide the same basic information. RegistrationMagic offers a solution that […]

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Filling out extensive details on the form, especially for registered members, feels burdensome. As a seller, most of the time we tend to retain records of loyal and returning customers, this is where the contact form will remember the basic information. Even returning customers must provide the same basic information.

RegistrationMagic offers a solution that saves you time and effort. The ‘Autofill Contact Form’ feature eliminates the need for site members to input information manually. With RegistrationMagic, contact form fields autofill using the user’s account details upon login—no extra clicks are required.

This feature ensures a seamless user experience, addressing the inconvenience of redundant data entry, as a seller, embracing RegistrationMagic streamlines your website’s contact process, offering you and your customers a hassle-free solution.

How will the contact form fill itself?

Let’s explore this with an example. Initially, we will create a new contact form on a WordPress site using RegistrationMagic. If you need guidance on creating RegistrationMagic forms, please refer to our Starter Guide first.

This contact form will include the following fields:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Address
  5. Birth Date
  6. Bio
  7. Message

Among these seven fields, First Name, Last Name, Email, and Bio are already linked to the default WordPress User Meta, whereas Address and Birth Date are not. For these two fields, we will establish a new WordPress User Meta. The Message field will not be connected to the WordPress User Meta, as it needs new information each time.

To create a new User Meta, access individual Field Settings. Enable the ‘Add this field to User Account’ option while on the Edit Field screen and include the ‘Associated User Meta Key.’ Here is how I did it for the Birth Date field (the same process is used for the Address field too).



Now, let’s proceed and fill out the form for the first time.

User Contact and Registration

I successfully submitted the contact form by manually filling out all the details. This also created my user account on the site. Now, let’s see what happens when I re-access the contact form after logging in with the newly created user account.

User Contact Again

RegistrationMagic retained all the information I filled in last time!

If a user desires, they can edit the information on this form submission, and RegistrationMagic will remember that change on the next visit to the contact form. This is how the “Magic” works in RegistrationMagic!

The Form is half-full

Now that you’ve witnessed how ‘Autofill’ in RegistrationMagic operates, envision its potential to enhance the user experience on your website. If you’re a WordPress eCommerce site admin utilizing plugins like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, the ‘Autofill’ feature of RegistrationMagic is a game-changer. It grants you greater control over retaining old customers and fostering significant customer loyalty.

Do you identify shortcomings in your current contact form system? Simply ‘Autofill’ them with RegistrationMagic!

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Create Intelligent Contact Form in WordPress [Breakthrough Ideas] https://registrationmagic.com/create-super-intelligent-forms-wordpress/ https://registrationmagic.com/create-super-intelligent-forms-wordpress/#respond Thu, 08 Feb 2018 02:42:48 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=34522 Introducing Intelligent, Smart & User Oriented Contact Form Hello RM Fans! Today, we will walk you through the process of how to create Super Intelligent, Smart and User Oriented contact form in WordPress. The process incorporates the new set of Email Codes that our team recently added to RegistrationMagic. These new Email Codes spawned out of RegistrationMagic’s ever growing […]

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Introducing Intelligent, Smart & User Oriented Contact Form

Hello RM Fans! Today, we will walk you through the process of how to create Super Intelligent, Smart and User Oriented contact form in WordPress. The process incorporates the new set of Email Codes that our team recently added to RegistrationMagic. These new Email Codes spawned out of RegistrationMagic’s ever growing commitment towards building intelligent contact form and intensifying compatibility with the most popular eCommerce plugins, namely ‘WooCommerce’ & ‘Easy Digital Downloads’ (or ‘EDD’ in short as most people love to call it).

Why Existing Contact Forms are Not Intelligent

For many WordPress site owners, it’s a ceaseless challenge to organize the various user inquiries. Many site owners receive high volume of inquiries on daily basis from their contact forms. Every day, the site owners spend hours reviewing the history of each user. The key objective is to prioritize the most valuable inquiries and respond to them quickly. This is especially true if you’re a WordPress eCommerce site owner who values customer loyalty immensely.

The primary problem these site owners face is that no contact form plugin on the WordPress repository right now provides a user’s history along with the inquiry. This leads to a lot of time spent unnecessarily on checking out user histories. And, this eventually delays response to high value inquiries. And once the response gets delayed, customers start losing faith in your business. In such an environment, most site owners’ best option is to get their contact forms customized by a web developer. But of course, web developers have high cost and may not provide proper maintenance for their work as the WordPress code gets updated over time.

If only there was a better & cheaper way to get user information with the contact inquiry itself, then your most valuable users could receive quicker and more informative responses, leading to better user experience on the website. And with eCommerce poised to account for nearly one-tenth of all total retail sales, there is a clear advantage in having intelligent contact form on your website to enhance customer loyalty though the online channel.

Intelligent Contact Form? What the Heck is That?!

You must be asking yourself by now — “How can smart contact form solve this problem for me?”. Well, here’s the answer to your question – RegistrationMagic provides something called Email Codes that you can place in your contact form  emails to retrieve information about a user on form submission. These new Email Codes are…

  2. {{RM_USERDATA}}

Once a user submits a contact inquiry from a RegistrationMagic form, these codes will pick up the history associated with the user’s email address and display it to the admin in the contact form email itself. How awesome is that?!

Smart Contact Form Example

Here, let me show you this with the help of an example…
First of all, we’ll need a contact form already created with RegistrationMagic. If you require information on how to create and publish a simple contact form, I’d recommend that you check out our RegistrationMagic Starter Guide. If you already have a form to work with, you can easily skip this step.

Now, once you have created and published your contact form, let’s configure the admin email notification for it…
Visit the Form Dashboard by clicking on the link ‘Dashboard’ that appears on the form card once you hover your cursor over it.

Intelligent Contact Form Card Dashboard Link

On the Form Dashboard screen, click on ‘Email Templates’ which is inside the ‘Configure’ settings box.

Smart Contact Form Configure Settings Email Templates

The ‘Email Templates’ settings are divided into two segments, ‘Notification Templates for User’ and ‘Notification Templates for Admin’. Under the ‘Notification Templates for Admin’ segment, you will find a setting named ‘New Submission Email Body’. This is the setting which is of interest to us when making the contact form intelligent.

Intelligent Contact Form New Submission Email Body

After adding the new Email Codes to the ‘New Submission Email Body’, the form will extract all information related to the form submitting user and display it to the admin in the notification email, like this…

Smart Contact Form Admin Email Notification


Above image demonstrates use of all codes. You can use one or all of below codes, as per your needs.

  1. {{SUBMISSION_DATA}}: Display contact form enquiry/details in the email.
  2. {{SUBMISSION_HISTORY}}: Display contact history.
  3. {{RM_USERDATA}}: Display complete client history (i.e Number, details of previous leads).
  4. {{RM_EDD_DETAILS}}: Display client’s total spend, along with associated EDD details, with links.
  5. {{RM_WOO_DETAILS}}: Display client’s total spend, along with associated WooCommerce details, with links.

Time to Leave the Unintelligent Behind

Now that you know how useful Intelligent Contact Form can be, would you still hold onto those old, rusty, unimaginative forms? If you value user experience on your website, I am confident you’d switch over to ‘Intelligent Contact Form’, AKA RegistrationMagic, right away!

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How Long Should Contact Forms Be? [Breakthrough Ideas] https://registrationmagic.com/data-says-long-web-forms/ https://registrationmagic.com/data-says-long-web-forms/#comments Thu, 01 Dec 2016 15:32:34 +0000 http://registrationmagic.com/?p=22846 If you’re using Registration Magic or another plugin to create custom forms for your WordPress site, you’re probably enjoying the newfound power to add any custom fields you want to your WordPress forms. For example, the default WordPress register form only has two fields, but now you can add infinite fields! It’s time to get […]

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If you’re using Registration Magic or another plugin to create custom forms for your WordPress site, you’re probably enjoying the newfound power to add any custom fields you want to your WordPress forms.

For example, the default WordPress register form only has two fields, but now you can add infinite fields! It’s time to get crazy, right? Should you collect birthdays? Favorite colors? Preferences for cats or dogs?

Ok, maybe I got a bit hyperbolic. But the point remains, you can add as many fields as you want to your WordPress forms. Now, the question becomes: should you?

In this post, I’ll take a look at what the data says about form length. By following the data, you can create a form that maximizes the number of signups or form submissions your site gets and makes your digital efforts more successful.

Data Point #1: 4-field Form Outperforms 11-field Form by 120%

Though the data is a bit old at this point, one of the most famous form length case studies comes from Imaginary Landscape. In it, they compared a lengthy 11-field form against a shorter 4-field form.

Imaginary Landscape managed these field reductions primarily by eliminating fields asking for the submitters’ addresses. After analyzing the data, Imaginary Landscape noticed a whopping 120.4% increase in the form’s conversion rate (AKA the number of users submitting the form out of the users who viewed the form).

How long should forms be?

Data Point #2: Expedia Saves $12 Million by Eliminating One Field

In example #2, Expedia managed to save $12 million per year in lost revenue by eliminating one tiny field from their forms. After testing, they found that the optional “Company” field on their form was confusing their users and leading to massive inefficiencies.

Removing that one field eliminated the issue and greatly improved their form’s success rate.

Data Point #3: 5, 7, and 9-field Forms Compared

In a three variant test, Marketo pitted 5, 7, and 9-field forms against each other. Each form kept the same basic 5 fields, but the longer forms added additional fields.

As the first two data points suggest, each set of added fields decreased the conversion rate for the form. The 5-field form converted at 13.4%, the 7-field form at 12%, and the 9-field form at 10%.


While the results weren’t as dramatic as the Imaginary Landscape case study, once again it seems that shorter forms outperform longer forms when put to the test.

Form Length – Is Shorter Always Better?

While the weight of the data lands on the side of shorter forms, you shouldn’t go cutting form fields willy-nilly. The goal should be to eliminate form fields that aren’t truly necessary, not to arbitrarily make every form 4-5 fields long.

If you absolutely need 7 form fields to collect all the needed information, then you need a 7-field form.

Pamela Vaughan of HubSpot, a company not known for short forms, highlights that “a shorter form usually means more people will be willing to fill it out…But the quality of the leads will be higher when visitors are willing to complete more forms fields and provide you with more information about themselves and what they’re looking for”

So, here’s the golden rule:

Cut unnecessary fields ruthlessly, but keep your forms as long as they need to be to collect all the needed information.

A plugin like Registration Magic allows you to customize every aspect of your WordPress forms. Just make sure you use this newfound power with respect. That way, you’ll create awesome forms that get you the information you need AND that your visitors are willing to, you know, actually fill out.

The post How Long Should Contact Forms Be? [Breakthrough Ideas] appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

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