RegistrationMagic, Author at RegistrationMagic WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:45:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms Sat, 20 Jul 2024 15:01:46 +0000 Complete WordPress Registration Forms Automation Guide RegistrationMagic’s Automation feature allows you to create tasks which run in the background and process actions on form submissions. Each task is attached to a specific form and requires setting rule(s). The tasks are scheduled using WordPress native cron system. Please note, scheduling too many tasks simultaneously may stress […]

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Complete WordPress Registration Forms Automation Guide

RegistrationMagic’s Automation feature allows you to create tasks which run in the background and process actions on form submissions. Each task is attached to a specific form and requires setting rule(s). The tasks are scheduled using WordPress native cron system. Please note, scheduling too many tasks simultaneously may stress resources of shared or moderately powered servers. Automation is another step in our plan to keep providing you greater control over your forms. You will keep seeing new automation rules and actions in coming months. Good luck!

Note that custom user statuses and manual actions are also part of RegistrationMagic plugin, but not included in this WordPress forms automation guide. Visit our WordPress user registration guide for details on how to carry out manual actions with status labels.

This article serves as a complete WordPress forms automation guide. If you need to dive deep into any specific topics, you can browse the individual posts here.

1. Automate Actions on WordPress Form Payment Status
2. Automate Actions on WordPress Form Field Values
3. Setting up Automated Emails for WordPress Forms
4. Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion
5. Automation On WordPress User Account Activation or Deactivation
6. Automation Based on WordPress Form Submission Time
7. Automation Based on WordPress Form Payment Gateway

Automation here refers to the task or rule applied on various aspects of a WordPress registration form. Click “Automation” lying just below “Field Analytics” under your RegistrationMagic plugin. In the meantime, create a new task and start applying the automation rule.


Create a New Automation Rule

The first page assigns a unique task name. Adding a description is not mandatory. Nevertheless, you can insert one for your convenience.


Click “Next” and go to the next page.

List of Automation Triggers

This page contains five distinct automation rules. All these rules can run on the selected form submissions. Let’s discuss all the rules one at a time.

User Account Rule 

The automation rule is applied to the users depending on the selected account state. User accounts can either be active or inactive. This rule is automated according to your selection.

Selecting “Activated User Accounts” runs the rule on those submissions made from active accounts. On the other hand, the “Deactivated User Accounts” rule is applied to submissions made from inactive accounts.

Submission Age Rule 

Enabling the WordPress form submission age rule allows you to select user accounts based on form submission time. That is, automation rule will calculate the age of submission, and use it as input criteria.

Nevertheless, this rule can be configured on two criteria. Submissions older and younger than criterion is used to select submissions older or younger than the specified days. The days are calculated based on the date of running the automation task.

Field Value Rule 

This rule helps in selecting form submissions based on their respective field values. Values can be added beside each other separated by a “|”. However, you can only select fields and values which are present in the form.

For instance, you are looking to run the automation rule on some selected email addresses. This rule is applicable only if those accounts with the relative email addresses have submitted the form.

In fact, remember defining the field and value here if you want the automation to run on selected submissions.

Payment Processor Rule

Payments processors are gateways for executing monetary transactions. Consequently, online payments are possible through these secure gateways. In fact, your card details integrate with these payment processors. At the same time, it helps in quick and undisputed transactions.

Some of the few payment processors incorporated are:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Offline
  • WePay

The automation task runs only on those submissions whose transactions are executed using one of these gateways. For instance, selecting Stripe automates only those submissions whose payments are made through Stripe. The same rule also applies to the rest of the payment processors as well.

In short, it lessens the manual steps of selecting forms according to their payment type.

Payment Status Rule

The “Payment Status Rule” only selects submissions depending upon the payment status. Nevertheless, the payment status can be of 3 types:

  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Canceled

The automation task runs only on submissions with a complete, pending or canceled payment status. To summarize, selection rules filter a submission if all enabled rules are true for that submission. To illustrate, enabling both “Field Value Rule” and “Payment Processor Rule” only filters submissions fulfilling both the rules.

For instance, selecting a completed payment status triggers the rule for those submissions with fulfilled payments. Other payment statuses also affect submissions accordingly.

We move on to the next page now.

List of Automation Actions

User account action  

This rule helps to automate WordPress user account activation, deactivation or deletion without manual intervention. You might also do nothing with the account.

WordPress user account automation options include:

  • Do nothing
  • Activate Account
  • Deactivate Account
  • Delete Account

Select the action taken on accounts associated with selected submissions. For instance, selecting “Activate account” will make those accounts active according to earlier selections. You can also delete or deactivate user accounts in the same way.

Assign User Role Action

This action will allow you to change the roles of the users selected by the user selection parameters in your Automation task.

There is an important point to note with this action though. It is that while the selected roles will be assigned to the users, their existing roles will get unassigned. So if you want to retain any of their existing roles, you should select those roles in this action as well.

Send Email

This section automates an email to user accounts associated with selected submissions. You can add a subject and a content for the body of the email. You can also add any type of media file and use values from form fields selecting one from the drop-down.

Automated Emails for WordPress forms strengthens the admin-user relationship. With the user receiving account activation and deletion email users feel connected to your brand. You can now make your user aware of their account status with these emails. In fact, your manual workflow post submission is automated with ease. This is because only a single click allows you to send emails to multiple users.

Note that Automation Triggers and User Account Action are accessible for Free for all users, but ‘User Role’ Action and ‘Send Email’ Action are included in the RegistrationMagic Premium package.

Download RegistrationMagic Premium here.

Running the Automation Task

Save each and every configuration or the changes you have incorporated.

To run the task, go to the “Automation” page and click Run Now for the task you created. The automation rule runs exclusively on the selected submissions.

This finally completes the automation guide for WordPress forms.

Note that some features of WordPress forms automation are free, and available for download on our WordPress page. Also, we keep launching new features, which are announced on our Facebook page; stay connected with us on Facebook.

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WordPress User Management Plugin Guide Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:57:29 +0000 WordPress User Management Guide By RegistrationMagic We all know, there are several facets of a membership site. It can turn into an online store a social networking zone or even a business directory. Whatever be its function, the intrinsic property of a membership site is its users. The members of these sites are generally floating. […]

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WordPress User Management Guide By RegistrationMagic
WordPress user management is the key to systematically running a membership site. When you know your users well and keep a track of their activities on your site, you achieve a peace of mind.

We all know, there are several facets of a membership site. It can turn into an online store a social networking zone or even a business directory. Whatever be its function, the intrinsic property of a membership site is its users. The members of these sites are generally floating. There are no hard and fast rules binding any members to these sites. This is one of the main reasons why WordPress user management is necessary for a membership site.

WordPress also offers its default user management feature which is quite basic. Thus, it is recommended to take the help of a specialized WordPress User Management Plugin like RegistrationMagic. This plugin is meant to take care of dynamic membership site requirements.

RegistrationMagic, can create customized registration forms while helping you to manage user sales data and their login records.

So, to achieve a little extra with respect to user management, boost your membership site with the WordPress RegistrationMagic plugin.

Getting Started with WordPress User Management

Right after installing the WordPress User Plugin, RegisrationMagic, the RegistrationMagic menu will appear on your WordPress dashboard.


Now if you click on the User Manager link, you will land on the plugin’s User Manager page.


RegistrationMagic User Manager

Here you will find a list of all your users after WordPress new user registration. This list will show you the profile images, email addresses and activation statuses of your users.

You can select any user from this list and then activate, deactivate or delete their accounts.

There is a search panel on the left that will help you to filter your search. For example, you can search users by name, email id, country, etc. Just below the search panel, you will find the Time and Status panels. These parameters will help to manage your users with segmentation. So, you will get to see the users who registered one month ago and also the users who just registered an hour ago. The Status panel lets you filter your searches with respect to active and pending user accounts.

On the extreme right of your user list, you will find a View link, this will allow you to view your user’s accounts individually.

RegistrationMagic User


You will find the following four headings on each user account page:

The first heading lets you view the data that you choose to Add to the User Account. While form creation, when you choose this option on a certain field it appears on the user account in the backend.

On the left side of the screen given in the image below, you can see a list of data about the user under the profile image. Here’s where the plugin lists the user metadata on the backend.

The second heading will tell you if this user has submitted any other form on your site. Then you will get to see the name of the form as well as a PDF of the form that your user submitted.

user submission

The third field will display the payment status (if associated in a form) of the user. If your user has not completed a payment, then a pending status will appear. For e-commerce sites, this becomes very handy for the admin. Since he/she will only need the User Manager page to keep a track of the payment history of each user.

RegistrationMagic lets you add products and WordPress form payment methods such as Offline and Stripe on your forms.

Next comes the email notification tab. This space will show you all the emails that have been exchanged between the user and the admin. All the emails that have been sent through this account will appear here. Also, the admin has the liberty to send emails to each user directly from here.

The last tab shows the login statuses of each user in detail. From browser type to login period this space provides some of the very crucial data for WordPress user management.

Here you can understand your user activity by their login records.

That’s not it; RegistrationMagic offers more features for WordPress user management.

Setting up User Roles with RegistrationMagic

On the RegistrationMagic menu, the link below the User Manager option is User Roles. By clicking on it, you will land on the User Roles page, which will let you create new user roles. Not only can you set a new role name, but you also get to set a sign-up charge to the role if you want.

User Role

The new role will add up to the list of roles at the bottom of the page. From there you can delete any of the roles at any point in time.

Tips: There is an option to restrict WordPress forms by user roles with RegistrationMagic. So that you can allow users to access forms depending on their user roles on your site.

For example, suppose you create a form that you only want your Subscribers to access. Then an Editor on your site will receive “You are not authorized to access this content” if he/she tries to access that form.

There are options to restrict form content on the basis of age, date and other parameters.  So, you see, this plugin makes it a point that your membership site is equipped with all the elements necessary for efficient WordPress user management.

Default WordPress User Management

As I said earlier, WordPress also has an inbuilt user management system. It is quite basic with respect to a fully functioning dynamic membership site.

The WordPress Users page shows a list of all the users on your site.

WordPress User Management

It shows each member’s name, user role, email id and the number of posts. One will find all the user roles listed above so that after selecting each role one can see the number of users assigned to them.

The admin also gets the liberty to select any user and change their respective roles from this page. Clicking on the Edit button on each user will take the admin to the Edit User page.

WordPress Edit User

Here they can edit the following fields:

First Name

Last Name


Generate Password

Profile Image

User Group and other fields that are available in the registration form except for the Username.

The admin is redirected to the WordPress edit user page when he/she clicks on the Edit link on a user account in the RegistrationMagic User Manager page.

However, with this WordPress user plugin, users get the added advantage of sending emails to users from the User Manager page. Also, tracking their login records and form submission history comes consolidated in the same page. Thus making user management less laborious.

WordPress User Management and its Utility

User management is crucial to any membership site. Since the entire revenue of the site depends on the registration and activities of the users. The admin needs to have a clear view of the number of users joining or leaving the site in a period of time. Also, depending on the user activities the admin can plan user engagement programmes like contests, discounts, etc.

You might have come across various shopping sites that send newsletters or reminders if you have not visited the site for some time. This is what efficient user management does. If the admin has a clear view of the login records of a certain user, then he/she can differentiate between a regular and an occasional user. Based on that, they can send out customized emails or offers to the users.

How do you think you become a privileged customer of a site so that they send out discount coupons to you on every occasion? Your payment history, login frequency lets the site admin determine your privilege! RegistrationMagic gives you a similar advantage of tracking your users as well sending them personalized emails.

So upgrade your WordPress user management with RegistrationMagic to enjoy dynamic user data management. This WordPress user management plugin will keep you a step ahead of your competitors so that you can cater to your users more efficiently.

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Add CAPTCHA in WordPress Login and Registration Form? Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:16:58 +0000 How to add CAPTCHA in WordPress Login and Registration Form and its use To add captcha in WordPress login and registration form is a response test which confirms whether the user is human or not. Also, registration forms to be submitted incorporates a Captcha assuring that the user is human. This ensures the security and […]

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How to add CAPTCHA in WordPress Login and Registration Form and its use

To add captcha in WordPress login and registration form is a response test which confirms whether the user is human or not. Also, registration forms to be submitted incorporates a Captcha assuring that the user is human. This ensures the security and protection of an entry made by the user. On the other hand, the use of CAPTCHA prevents spamming as well.

CAPTCHA blocks spammers trying to harvest automated email IDs. Also, blocked are the ones trying to sign up automatically for the unethical use of websites and blogs. A CAPTCHA with distorted letters isn’t readable by anyone other than human.

Download free registration forms from RegistrationMagic’s template directory.

In this tutorial, we learn to add CAPTCHA in WordPress Login and Registration Form.

Navigating to the reCAPTCHA configuration page

Go to “Global Settings” from your RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress form

Drill into “Security” from the Global Settings page.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress options

You are now in the Security or Anti-Spam page to configure CAPTCHA settings. Check the box beside the “Enable reCaptcha” field.

RegistrationMagic reCaptcha Setting

Once complete, you are prompted to enter the Site Key and Secret Key appearing as pop-ups. Nevertheless, both these keys play important roles in making the reCAPTCHA work.

Generating Site Key and Secret Key

Click the “here” hyperlink just after the description of the “Site Key” field. This takes you further to Google reCAPTCHA aiding you to create your own reCAPTCHA.

Click on “My reCAPTCHA” at the top right portion of the Google reCAPTCHA home page.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress captcha home page

Start configuring and generating your reCAPTCHA from the next page. Assign a unique name as the “Label”. Choose the first radio button saying “reCAPTCHA v2”. This embeds an “I’m not a robot” checkbox on the form which is what we are targeting.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress configuration

Enter a domain name which has not been used before. In this example, we go ahead with Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service by checking the adjacent check box. Click on “Register”.

Adding reCAPTCHA to your WordPress login and registration form

In the meantime, you can now see your Site Key and Secret Key generated one beside the other. Simultaneously, copy both and paste them in their respective fields on the Anti-Spam page. Scroll down and click the “Save” button.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress adding captcha

Eventually, you have added CAPTCHA in WordPress login and registration form. To illustrate, check the screenshot below which has the “I’m not a robot” statement embedded with a checkbox beside it.

Add CAPTCHA in WordPress captcha result

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How to Send Automated Welcome Emails in WordPress Mon, 15 Jul 2024 16:58:09 +0000 Send Automated Welcome Emails in WordPress with RegistrationMagic As soon as you send automated welcome emails, you complete a user’s sign up process on your site. Though you don’t need to compose every single automated email that you send out, yet an automated email is customizable. There are various WordPress user registration plugins that offer automated email […]

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Send Automated Welcome Emails in WordPress with RegistrationMagic
By sending automated welcome emails you confirm a user’s membership on your site. Automated welcome emails are easy to send and do not need manual composition of every email on the backend. So, enhance the user admin communication on your site with automated emails. So that your users rely on the efficiency and customer support system of your business. 

As soon as you send automated welcome emails, you complete a user’s sign up process on your site. Though you don’t need to compose every single automated email that you send out, yet an automated email is customizable. There are various WordPress user registration plugins that offer automated email templates.

RegistrationMagic is one such plugin that offers various automated email templates that you can customize.

So, whenever your users submit a registration form, RegistrationMagic will help you send automated welcome emails to their inboxes.

We already know, automated emails have become the newest trend in online marketing. According to a study by Campaign Monitor, in 2008, 40% of brands sent a welcome message to their new subscribers. Today 80% of brands send these types of automated messages.

The automated emails of RegistrationMagic are unique since you can even apply fields like username, first name etc. to it.

As an example, the registration form has a field “Date of Birth” which the user fills with “05/05/1990”. Now, in the email, we can add the “Date of Birth” field to customize it. Thus your users will find their “Date of Birth” in the automated welcome emails.

So, let’s go ahead and start the process of setting up automated welcome emails for your WordPress user registrations.

Read More
Complete Automation Guide for WordPress forms

The Automated Email Section of RegistrationMagic



First, install the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard. You will find the plugin menu on your menu panel. From there, go to the All Forms link.

Automated welcome emails navigation

You will land on the All Forms page. Here, you will find all the forms that you create through this plugin. Now as you move your cursor on any form card you will find two links appearing at the bottom corners. These are the Dashboard and Fields link.

From the Fields link, you can add custom user data fields to your WordPress user registration forms.

Tips: The custom fields of RegistrationMagic will let you add numbers, space, text area, country, time zone to your default forms. If you want to display your privacy policies or disclaimers you can also add terms and conditions checkbox to WordPress form.

The Dashboard lets you take care of the WordPress form payment, security, design etc.

Automated welcome emails dashboard


Clicking on the Dashboard link will take you to the Dashboard page.

Now, scroll down to Auto Responder under the Configure section here. This is the place from where you will find templates for automated welcome emails.

Automated welcome emails configure section


Compose the Automated Welcome Email

When you click on the Auto Responder link you land on the form specific Automated Responder set up page. First, check the box “auto-reply to the user”. This turns on automated email messages for the form. The user can now receive an email with a successful form submission.

Checking the checkbox will prompt you to fill in the Subject. Next, you can write the content that the user will find in the mail.

Fill the subject input box with a customized text such as “Welcome User”. This is the subject of the Email that the users will find in their inboxes.

Automated welcome emails product form


Then go to the input box. Here, you can add a customized message to your users.

Click on “Add field” to add user data field in the email. As an example, if you add the Email field, the user will receive an automated welcome email with user’s email ID in it.

You can even add media files, change font style, add heading etc. This text is backed by HTML and Mail Merge. You can also use Rich Text to customize your content.

The Add Field drop-down only shows the fields that are already embedded in the form. If it is a new form and fields and there are no added fields, then the “Add Field” drop-down shows the mandatory fields. The mandatory fields are username, password and email fields.

Write a really catchy content as the welcome email for your users. So that your users feel connected with your site. Lastly, click on Save to finish up.

Automated Welcome Emails in the User Area

When your users submit their forms from the frontend, they will receive the automated welcome emails.

Tips: RegistrationMagic, apart from form building, also allows users to create custom user area page in WordPress. Thus your users can view and edit their account details from there. 

So, after logging in your users can view their inboxes from the user area.

In the above image, you can see the area marked in red shows the automated welcome email sent from my site. It has exactly, the same content that I composed from the backend.

The Benefits of Automated Welcome Emails

So, with RegistrationMagic, it was quite simple to send automated welcome emails after every WordPress new user registration. You can also send account verification or deletion warning emails to your users via automated emails of this plugin.

Since there were options to insert link and media to automated welcome emails sending fun notes with welcome offers and discounts is now a cakewalk.

Also, since there are options to include the username or other fields of a user in these emails. It is easy to send personally addressed emails. This way your users feel prioritized and so they keep coming back to your site. Yet the admin does not need to write every single mail.

These emails basically, make the relationship between a site and its user more cordial. When users find your site name on their mailbox right after signing up they tend to visit right at that time. This boosts the footfall on your site and it becomes more popular on the search engine.

Automated welcome emails also come in use if you want to send out words to many people in one go. Whether its an invitation or a sudden meeting in your office. RegistrationMagic’s automated emails can notify all your staff with you having to compose just one mail.

So, rely on this plugin to take care of most of the manual work on your site. As you focus on managing your business more professionally.

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WordPress User Roles, Permissions & Role Editor [Complete Guide] Sun, 14 Jul 2024 07:26:45 +0000 WordPress User Roles, User Levels & User Types WordPress user roles (sometimes referred to as WordPress User Levels or WordPress User Types) extend or limit user control on the site. RegistrationMagic will assign the subscriber role to anyone filling the form. The “User Roles” section in RegistrationMagic’s user role editor helps in the management of previously created […]

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WordPress User Roles, User Levels & User Types

WordPress user roles (sometimes referred to as WordPress User Levels or WordPress User Types) extend or limit user control on the site. RegistrationMagic will assign the subscriber role to anyone filling the form. The “User Roles” section in RegistrationMagic’s user role editor helps in the management of previously created user roles. The role editor also assigns new user roles, as per your workflow.

Presently, there are five standard WordPress user roles. These include administrator, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber roles. Once you are familiar with these WordPress user roles, you can explore them from your WordPress dashboard.

Let us discuss each WordPress user role briefly first.

The Administrator Role

This role designates the user as an admin. Once you are assigned as an administrator, you can control any feature within the WordPress dashboard.

One can edit core files, modify themes and alter the WordPress user roles of others.

The Editor Role

With editor role, you can access any content. However, you will be restricted from making changes to themes and plugins.

An editor will immediately start managing and publishing blog and pages. Link management is also possible besides moderating comments.

Editors can thus manage every speck of a content but cannot alter the settings outside of content.

The Author Role

Authors can only edit their own posts; they cannot  supervise others’ posts. Author has the permission to add content to the media library.

The role rights allow Authors to delete obsolete content. However, they cannot delta or create pages.

The Contributor Role

The contributor will enjoy complete access to modifying, deleting and editing their draft posts. However, contributor cannot publish the post.

Access to the media library is also under restriction. Thus, the contributor needs to get admin authorization to access images, videos, and other media files.

Guest authors can relish this role if they don’t post on a regular basis.

The Subscriber Role

Subscribers can read the post and comment on the post. They can also create a profile through WordPress dashboard.

Configuring WordPress User Roles through RegistrationMagic plugin’s user role editor

From your WP dashboard click on the plugin menu. The first tab underlying this plugin is the “All Forms” tab, navigate to your desired form dashboard.

You will be redirected to a page where you can build, configure and integrate your page. Under the “Configure” header look for “Accounts”.

Form Dashboard

From Accounts page, you can configure WordPress user roles. Check the checkbox to add default Username and Password to the form. This will automatically register users in WordPress user area.

Next, explore the option to assign WordPress user roles. Click the drop-down and you will be able to see the five possible roles that can be assigned.

WordPress User Roles, WordPress User Permissions & WordPress Role Editor settings

Choose any one of them. Click Save.

Alternatively, you can check box “Allow Users Choice of Roles”. This setting allow users to select their roles themselves, manually.

WordPress User Roles, WordPress User Permissions & WordPress Role Editor options

The next checkbox with the phrase “Force login after Registration” force user to log-in once user account is created. The last field “Email as Username” hides the username field. On checking this box, the Email will work as Username.

Click on save. You have now set up the user role for users registering on your site.

Incorporating more WordPress user roles

From your dashboard navigation to RegistrationMagic >> User Roles. You can create brand-new WordPress user role. However, the role can only inherit permission from one of the 5 pre-defined ones.

WordPress User Roles, WordPress User Permissions & WordPress Role Editor advance settings

In this case, we have assigned Role Key and Role name both as Writer. The role key is the value of the role which will be stored in the database. This key will be invisible to user. The role name, however, is displayed on the front end.

The next drop-down lets you select which pre-defined role you want to inherit permissions from. Upon checking the last box “Sign-up charge”, you can redirect your users to make a payment upon choosing a role. Click Save.

Go back to “All forms”. Copy the shortcode from form card. Navigate to the “All Pages” section. Create New Page. Paste the shortcode. Click Update.

WordPress User Roles are now configured in your WordPress User Registration form. Shared below is a screenshot as to how the embedded User Roles will display on your registration form.

WordPress User Roles, WordPress User Permissions & WordPress Role Editor front-end


This completes our guide on User roles, User permissions, and user role editor.

If you need a head-start to create your user registration process, visit our detailed WordPress Registration page guide.

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How to Display Custom Success Message in WordPress Forms Fri, 12 Jul 2024 16:00:01 +0000 Display Custom Success Message in WordPress Forms In order to assure a user that his/her form submission has been successful, sites often display a success message. If you host a professional registration based site, then you might want to display custom success message in WordPress to confirm every successful submission. Users feel prioritized when they know […]

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Display Custom Success Message in WordPress Forms

In order to assure a user that his/her form submission has been successful, sites often display a success message. If you host a professional registration based site, then you might want to display custom success message in WordPress to confirm every successful submission. Users feel prioritized when they know they are being monitored by an authorized site owner.

RegistrationMagic allows users to create intelligent forms to serve different purposes. But the success message for every form is in general, the same. The success message displays itself on the frontend of your site.

With our WordPress registration forms plugin, you don’t need to work much to configure a success message. You can actually display custom success message in WordPress using just the “Configure” section of this plugin.

One can choose to redirect your user to a different page after form submission and display success message in WordPress. One can also keep the user on the same page and display the message there itself. So, let’s proceed with our today’s tutorial, where we discuss how to display custom success message in WordPress.

Navigate to Customize the Success Message

From your WP dashboard click on the plugin menu. The first tab underlying this plugin is the “All Forms” tab. Archived in this section is each and every form created to date.

In this example, we configure success message for users submitting the General Purpose Form. This is the form located to the right side of the “Login Form”.

Hover your cursor on the form envelope and click on the dashboard link. Using this section, you can manage, analyze and configure forms. From here, you also get to set WordPress user roles.

Scroll down directly to the Post Submission area. This area allows you to manage activities after a successful form submission. Using this section, you can also display success message in WordPress. So now, go to the Post Submission area to configure your success message.

Configuring the Success Message

The primary field allows you to write a success message inside the input box. This is the message which users will see upon successful form submissions. You can even add media files such as an image or video to decorate the success message. In this instance, we use “The Form was submitted successfully” as the success message.

Shared below is a screenshot displaying the success message on the frontend, post form submission. Your users need to complete filling the form. Then, click on “Submit” to view this message. You can also have payments associated with your form. There you have the liberty to make your users submit form before collecting payment.

Display Success Message in WordPress frontend

Other fields in this section help you display a unique token number. Turning on the ‘Auto Reply’ feature generates a unique token number. This token number goes into the mail inbox of the user once he/she submits the form.

Toggling the “Redirection” field takes the user to a different page after form submission. You can paste the URL or the page link where you want to redirect the user after form submission. You can also avoid redirection by selecting the “None” radio button. Consequently, your success message will be visible on the same page.

The last field, lets you submit form data to external URL. In case your current server crashes, the form data can be retrieved. As a result, you can maintain a different database for form submission.

You saw how easy it was to display custom success message in WordPress. Online form creation becomes really smooth with this plugin. It also lets you create intelligent contact form along with user registration forms. There are several fields to choose from to create functional forms. No need to code or design pages. Thus, even amateurs prefer this plugin.

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Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users Thu, 11 Jul 2024 05:00:22 +0000 Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users with RegistrationMagic Once you are done configuring a web form the way you want it, the next step is usually to publish the form on your site. After all, what is the use of creating a custom web form if it isn’t going to get published on the site. […]

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Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users with RegistrationMagic

Once you are done configuring a web form the way you want it, the next step is usually to publish the form on your site. After all, what is the use of creating a custom web form if it isn’t going to get published on the site. If you are running a WordPress powered website, then creating highly customized web forms is no difficult task. Using the RegistrationMagic plugin, even WordPress novices can create web forms like professionals do. RegistrationMagic equips you with so many form publishing tools that requiring the help of a professional is a thing of the past. So let’s get started with this guide and learn how to publish registration forms and display registered users on your WordPress site.

This guide will assume that you already have RegistrationMagic installed on your site and have already created a form using it. If you haven’t, then please go ahead and do that now. This’ll help you follow along with the guide and publish registration forms and display registered users on your site with ease.

Navigate to the “Publish” Section of your Form Dashboard

Access the “All Forms” screen of RegistrationMagic from the WordPress Dashboard. You can do that clicking on the RegistrationMagic Dashboard menu item. Move your cursor on the form you have created and click the Dashboard link at the bottom of it.

On the Form Dashboard screen, scroll down until you find the “Publish” set of options. Every feature listed in the “Publish” section helps publish some data related to that form on the frontend of the site. We’ll explore them all one at a time.

1. Shortcode

This is the most common way to publish registration forms and display registered users on your WordPress site. Just click on the Shortcode icon and copy the shortcode displayed on the popup that appears next.

Publish Shortcode

Use this shortcode on any post or page and the form will appear there.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users form with html

2. HTML Code

In addition to shortcode, you also have the option to display your form in an iFrame anywhere on the site. You can do this with the help of the HTML Code publish option. In case you wish to add your own styling to the form, just replace the class mentioned in this code with the CSS class of your own design.

Form Publish

Here’s the view of the form with height and width set to 500.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users dispaly form

3. Form Widget

Your RegistrationMagic web form can also be embedded in widgets. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance >> Widgets menu. Within the list of available widgets, locate the RegistrationMagic Form widget.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users form widget

Drag the RegistrationMagic Form widget from the Widget list and drop it on the widget area of your choice. For this example, I am adding the form to the Blog Sidebar. Then, select the form which you want to display in this widget. I have selected the General Purpose Registration Form.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users general form

4. User Directory

This option is also a shortcode, but displays the users that have submitted a form, instead of a form. Click on the icon and then click on the “Copy” link in the popup that appears next. This will copy the shortcode to display all users with successful form submissions on the frontend.

Publish Directory

You can also tweak this shortcode by adding an extra parameter if you want to filter by time based form submissions. Omitting the form ID in the shortcode will display all users who have submitted all the published forms.

Combined with the form publish options mentioned above, this shortcode is all that you need to publish registration forms and display registered users on your WordPress site.

5. User Area

With the help of the User Area shortcode, you can now publish user profile containing user’s form submission data on the frontend. This User Area will contain different information tabs, such as “Personal Details”, “Registration”, and “Inbox”. User can access this area by logging in from the frontend of the site.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users user area

“Personal Details” tab displays the user’s picture, first name, email, and nickname. The “Registration” tab lists all the form submissions made by the user. Here’s how the user area appears on the frontend…

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users front submission

6. Magic PopUp

The Magic PopUp is an innovative solution offered only by RegistrationMagic. Magic PopUp allows users to access their form submission data, payment details, user profile personal details etc. all on one single button. This button floats on all pages of the site and users can access information offered by it no matter where they are on the site. Even forms can be made accessible through the Magic PopUp button. Which the users can then fill in and submit.

To make your form appear on the Magic PopUp button, click on its icon. Then, click on the star icon that appears on the popup that appears next. This will set your selected form as the default form on the Magic PopUp button.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users slider pop up

Next, go back to the Global Settings >> Magic PopUp Button settings and turn on the MagicPopup system. Scroll down to the Custom Link #1 field and check the box next to it. Choose “Page” as “Link Type” and from the drop-down below, select your form. Then click the Save button to save the changes.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users magic pop up

7. OTP Login

The OTP login system of RegistrationMagic helps users without WordPress login credentials to access the frontend user area. RegistrationMagic does this by checking whether email address was used during a past form submission by that user. If that is true and the user doesn’t have an account on the site, then the user receives an OTP on his/her email address.

To setup RegistrationMagic’s OTP login, go to Appearance >> Widgets menu in WordPress dashboard and look for the RegistrationMagic Login widget. This is the widget for RegistrationMagic form submissions with OTP login. Only non-registered users can access this feature as it doesn’t require a user to have a user account on the site.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users login

Drag the widget and drop it to the widget area of your choice. I am adding it to the Blog Sidebar.

Publish Registration Forms and Display Registered Users frontend

These unique features of RegistrationMagic make it indispensable to any admin seeking to publish registration forms and display registered users on his/her WordPress site. If you haven’t given RegistrationMagic a try yet, I am pretty sure you will after checking out this guide.

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How to Approve WordPress User Accounts Without Logging Into Dashboard Mon, 25 Jan 2021 09:23:30 +0000 Learn How to Approve WordPress User Accounts Without Logging Into Dashboard With RegistrationMagic In a busy membership site, where users register every minute, the admin has no time to approve each account manually. An Admin can get WordPress accounts that need to be approved almost every minute. Also, manual approval of WordPress user accounts will […]

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Learn How to Approve WordPress User Accounts Without Logging Into Dashboard With RegistrationMagic
The prerequisite to get WordPress user accounts registered on your site is to approve them. But too many user registrations in one go can become a problem for the admin to approve one by one. Hence the need for approving WordPress user accounts without logging into the dashboard.

In a busy membership site, where users register every minute, the admin has no time to approve each account manually. An Admin can get WordPress accounts that need to be approved almost every minute. Also, manual approval of WordPress user accounts will slow down the workflow of the site as well. Thus RegistrationMagic offers the feature of Account Activation via Mail.

Here the admin can be sure of approving each WordPress user account manually, minus the hassle of logging into the dashboard every time. The admin will not have to activate or approve each user one by one. Instead, the plugin will automate this task and make it a matter of one click for the admin. This will also ensure that the user has a verified mail id since the account approval will be done through a verification mail.

This WordPress user registration plugin not just helps you create dynamic registration forms or smart contact forms in WordPress. It also takes care of the fact that you get verified users on your site. And the admin stays tension-free regarding the approval of new WordPress user accounts.

So, let’s start today’s tutorial by first creating a form that will create WordPress accounts on your site. Then we will go ahead and get into the process of approving these WordPress free accounts without logging into the dashboard.


Build Account Creation Forms 

Step1: Install the RegistrationMagic plugin on your site. The WordPress user approval plugin will help you approve new users of WordPress. Next, you will find the plugin menu on your menu panel. From there, click on the All Forms link.

WordPress User Accounts: All Forms Navigation

Step2: Now, you will land on the All Forms page. This page will show you all the forms that you create through this plugin. Besides, you can create new registration forms and contact forms from here.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic All Forms manager

Step3: In the left corner, you will find the New Form link. When you click on it, a pop-up will appear with two form options. One will let you create a WordPress user account on form submission and one that does not create a user account on your site. This means if you want to create a WordPress registration form or a WordPress contact form.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic New Form

Step4: From here, select your type of form and name it. Next, you will find your registration form appears on the All Forms page. Now, if you hover on the form cover, you will find two links appearing at the bottom – Fields and Dashboard.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic All Forms

Tips: The Fields link lets you add custom user data fields like number, country, profile image, links, timers, etc., on your forms. You can even add a registration feed to WordPress forms to show the number of successful registrations on a form. 


Step5: Then, from the Dashboard link, we can take care of the WordPress forms payment, design, analytics, security, etc.

Publish the Form

After adding user data fields to the form, it is now time to publish the form for your users on the front end. RegistrationMagic makes form publishing also a really simple job with its preset shortcodes.

Step1: As you hover your cursor on form covers on the All Forms page, you will also find a unique shortcode there. This shortcode remains unique to every form, and it will help you publish this form on the front end.

WordPress user accounts: RegistraionMagic form dashboard

Step2: Now, copy the shortcode from the form card. Paste it on a new WordPress page and click on Publish.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic Add New Page

Step3: You will then find your form on the front end of your site. This form is now ready to create WordPress user accounts on your site. Now, in order to approve WordPress user accounts without logging into the dashboard, we need to know a little about Global Settings.

Global Settings

The Global Settings menu of this plugin is the most important area that can lessen many jobs of the site admin. From here, you can enable or disable features on all the WordPress Forms on your site. Thus there is no need to work on each form when you enable any settings from this menu.

Step1: As we install the RegistrationMagic plugin on our sites. We find the plugin menu on the site’s menu panel. From there, click on the Global Settings link.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic Global Settings navigation

Step2: As you land on the Global Settings page, you will find an array of menus to add up to extend the functionalities of default WordPress forms. From here, we will click on the User Accounts menu to start our job.

WordPress user accounts: RegistrationMagic Global Settings

Step3: This menu takes care of the actions that an admin needs to do with respect to activating, allowing, approving WordPress user accounts on a site.

Tips: You can enable or disable the features done in Global Settings to make a particular formwork uniquely. The trick is to override Global Settings in WordPress from each Form Dashboard and deactivate the features of Global Settings

Activation Methods of User Accounts

WordPress user accounts activation: RegistrationMagic activation method

Step1: As we land on the Users’ WordPress account page settings, we will find a series of options on account activation, namely:

Activate User Automatically –  Here, there is no scope for the admin to approve WordPress user accounts. Right after a user submits a form, he/she gets an account on your site automatically.

Deactivate User for Manual Approval – Here, the user account stays deactivated after he/she submits a form. The admin has to manually activate the account from the User Manager page of the site dashboard. Till this manual approval from the admin, the user account stays deactivated.

Send Verification Mail – Here, once a user successfully submits a registration form, he/she will receive a WordPress account activation email with an account verification link. Clicking the link on this WordPress account activation email will activate his/her account. The admin can also manually approve unverified accounts.
Note that if you are using paid registrations, the user will be auto-activated upon successful payment.

Approving WordPress Accounts Via Mail

WordPress User Account: RegistrationMagic

Step2: We selected the Send Verification Mail account approval method because it will allow the admin the approve WordPress user accounts without logging into the dashboard.

Step3: As we select the option, a series of settings open up. The first option being, the expiry time of the Account Activation Link. You can specify hours here. As an example, I have entered 24 to make the link last for a day.

Step4: The next field is the Account Activation Notice. Here you can type the message that you want to send in the verification mail.

Step5: Then comes Invalid Activation Code. This will let you send an error message in case your user finds the activation link broken.

Step6: Next is, Link Expiry Notice. As the name suggests, your users will get this message as the activation link expires from your mentioned time.

Step7: Lastly comes, Login Error Message. If your user faces any issue trying to log in to your site from the activation link, then they will receive this mail. This message will also hold a link that will allow them to request you to send another verification mail.

Step8: The next field, Provisionally Activate Account, will temporarily activate a user account even if they are not verified. They can log in to your site till that time. But if they fail to activate their account from the verification link, their accounts will get deactivated.

The final field ones enabled, lets you send a user’s username and password in the verification mail. In the end, click on the Save button to finish the job.

Approving User Accounts from Dashboard

Now since you have seen the fast and easy process of approving WordPress user accounts via mail, it is time you also see the process of activating user accounts from your site dashboard.

Step1: From the RegistrationMagic menu panel, click on the User Manager link.

WordPress user accounts user manager navigation

Step2: As you land on the User Manager page, you will find a list of all your users. The new ones which are not activated yet will give the option to the admin to activate them manually.

WordPress user accounts manager

Step3: When you select a user from the checkbox beside them, you get options at the top panel to Activate, Deactivate or Delete any user.

Ending Note

So, you see how difficult it can be for the admin to activate users one by one when loads of users register to your site every minute.

The user registration process will slow down, and that might make a few users shift to another site offering similar services.

Added to that, the account activation process via mail verifies a user’s mail id and confirms his/her authenticity.

So, switch to the smarter way of operating your membership site. Just install the RegistrationMagic plugin on your site and handle WordPress user accounts like a pro. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how to approve users in WordPress.

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How to Set up Two Factor Authentication in WordPress Thu, 04 Apr 2019 11:39:37 +0000 Apply Two Factor Authentication in WordPress Login with RegistrationMagic What is two factor authentication? Keeping your site secure from hackers is a huge challenge especially when you handle external user data. There are various instances of sites getting in trouble for leaking external user data. Many a time, these issues arise due to a lack of […]

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Apply Two Factor Authentication in WordPress Login with RegistrationMagic
Want to make your WordPress signup process super secure? Then the Two Factor Authentication in WordPress is your answer. Be sure of authentic user access every time there is a need for WordPress dashboard login.

What is two factor authentication?

Keeping your site secure from hackers is a huge challenge especially when you handle external user data. There are various instances of sites getting in trouble for leaking external user data. Many a time, these issues arise due to a lack of security measures in the  WordPress signup process.

If you are sure of your user’s authenticity every time they log in to your site, then these problems can be avoided. To be more relaxed about your user login system, it is a good idea to boost your site with a WordPress user registration plugin.

RegistrationMagic is a user registration plugin that can build forms as well as solve the issues of WordPress Signup security. It has a feature called WordPress Two Factor Authentication. This offers you the liberty to verify the user’s authenticity every time they try a WordPress dashboard login.

Along with user registration forms, you can also create smart contact forms with RegistrationMagic. This plugin makes sure you generate a heavy conversion rate with secure and efficient login forms. The WordPress Two Factor Authentication allows you to send your users an OTP for every WordPress signup.

Now, gain more users without the risk of fraudulent users with the Two Factor Authentication in WordPress. RegistrationMagic really makes it very simple to enable this crucial security feature. So, let’s go ahead and set up Two Factor Authentication in WordPress Login with RegistrationMagic.

All Forms Page

As you install and activate the RegistrationMagic plugin, you find the plugin menu on your menu site’s panel. From there, click on the All Forms link.

You will then land on the All Forms page. This page holds all the forms that you create with this plugin. Added to that, it also shows you the Login Form. It lets you set all the parameters that you want in your site’s Login Form.

As you hover on the Login Form cover, you find two links appear on it. Dashboard and Fields.

Tips: The Fields link in a user registration form allows admins to add custom user data fields. These custom fields vary from form metadata, phone numbers, timers, country, profile image, products, price, etc. You can even add Google Maps in WordPress forms with RegistrationMagic custom data fields.

However, the Login Form has only fields, Username, and Password. So, from the Fields Link of the Login Form, you can design and take a preview of your form.

On the other hand, the Dashboard link on the Login Form Cover, lets users Build, Configure, Publish, Integrate, and Analyze login forms.

We will set the Two Factor Authentication in WordPress also from the Dashboard link on the Login Form Cover.

Apply Two Factor Authentication in WordPress

As you click on the Dashboard link of the Login Form, you land on the Dashboard page of the form. Here you will find multiple headings that will help you take action on the functioning of your Login Form.

Now, scroll down to the Configure section of the Form Dashboard and click on the WordPress Two Factor Authentication link.

As you enter the menu page, you will find a checkbox to enable the Two Factor Authentication in WordPress.  As you enable this option, you will find an array of fields to define this process.

Fields to Define Two Factor Authentication in WordPress 

The first field gives you an option to choose the OTP type: Numeric and Alphanumeric

Then you can select the OTP length from the drop down.

Next, you get to set the time after which the OTP will expire.

After that, you can choose the action you want to take after the OTP expires. Here you get two options: Allow users to regenerate OTP and Restart the login process.

On selecting the first option, you get to write the text that will appear on the Regenerate OTP link.

The next field will let you write the text for the OTP regeneration success message.

Then compose texts for OTP expiry message.

Next comes the OTP field label text field.

Then write the text for the custom message above the OTP field.

Next is a check box to choose if you to allow resending the OTP.

After that, you can write the text for Resending the OTP link.

Then compose the OTP resend the success message.

Next, set the OTP resend limit.

After that, there is the option to set the limit for incorrect OTP attempts.

Then write the text to show the message for invalid OTP error.

Next, you can select if you want to apply the Two Factor Authentication in WordPress for all user roles or some specific roles.

Lastly, you can choose to disable this feature while the admin tries to log in. In the end, click on Save to finish the job.

Important Note:  In rare cases, server side caching may interfere with 2FA. If you notice the login page refreshing instead of redirecting to step 2 authentication, try disabling the server cache for your login page. This can be done by submitting a request to your server support team. You can also contact our support team here.

Benefits of The Two Factor Authentication in WordPress

Every time you try to do an online transaction you are asked to input an OTP. This ensures that nobody but the person whose contact details are in the records can complete the transaction. The OTP login process has made the online transaction a reality in the world of virtual shopping.

This login process helps to assure your users that their data is in safe hands. So if your site stores user data or any sensitive content that needs utmost security then this login process is your answer.

RegistrationMagic always keeps its users a step ahead with respect to form and user data security on your WordPress site.

Refer to WordPress Security Guide to know more

You can let your users choose their WordPress user roles, buy products, etc safely through your forms. Apart from that, there is the option to put a passphrase or limit users with age, user roles, time, etc on your forms. So be sure to maintain maximum security with immense user strength with RegistrationMagic. You can enjoy your high conversion rate with 100% verified users. So no risk of a data breach, your site is all set to become an efficient one fit for professional use with RegistrationMagic.

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How to Edit or Replace Default WordPress Registration Form Tue, 02 Apr 2019 11:35:54 +0000 Edit or Replace Default WordPress Registration Form with RegistrationMagic The default WordPress registration form acts as a basic login form that has two primary fields, username or email address and password. There are WordPress sites that do not have the need for a more lengthy form than the default one. Again there are sites that need […]

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Edit or Replace Default WordPress Registration Form with RegistrationMagic
The option to edit or replace default WordPress registration form opens up the scope to register users for various purposes. Now you can easily replace default WordPress registration form with any custom form with multiple user data fields. 

The default WordPress registration form acts as a basic login form that has two primary fields, username or email address and password.

WordPress login default wordpress registration form

There are WordPress sites that do not have the need for a more lengthy form than the default one. Again there are sites that need to include multiple user data fields to register users for a certain purpose.

For example, in a class or event registration form or a smart contact form that only collects contact details for you to send regular updates. There are multiple fields and other parameters that take to make a professional user registration form.

In order to transform a default WordPress registration form into a dynamic one, you need a WordPress form builder plugin. RegistrationMagic is one such plugin that not just creates complete a WordPress registration page but takes care of your user management bit also.

With this plugin, you can create a custom registration form of your choice and also make it replace the default WordPress registration form.

There are custom user data fields, WordPress form automation system and user manager areas to manually as well as globally handle registrations.

Here you can add products and payment methods for your online shopping site. Map location to locate your address. So let’s go ahead and create a custom user registration form with RegistrationMagic. Then we will proceed to replace the default WordPress registration form with it.

Later I will also show you how you can edit a default WordPress registration form.

Create a User Registration Form

Install the RegistrationMagic plugin on your site. Next, you will find the plugin menu on your menu panel. From there, click on the All Forms link.

navigation default wordpress registration form

Now, you will land on the All Forms page. This page will show you all the forms that you create through this plugin. Besides, you can create new registration forms and contact forms from here.

forms manager default wordpress registration form

In the left corner, you will find the New Form link. When you click on it, a pop up will appear with two form options. One will let you create a WordPress user account on form submission and one that does not create a user account on your site. This means if you want to create a WordPress registration form or a WordPress contact form.

new form default wordpress registration form

From here, select your type of form and name it. Next, you will find your registration form appear on the All Forms page. Now, if you hover on the form cover you will find two links appearing at the bottom – Fields and Dashboard.

all forms default wordpress registration formThe Fields link lets you add custom user data fields like numbers, country, profile image, links, timers etc. on your forms. You get a huge spread of custom fields in the Fields Pop Up of RegistrationMagic.

custom fields default wordpress registration form

There are Common Fields, Social Fields, and Display Fields to choose from.

common fields default wordpress registration form

Tips: To take lengthy user data in texts, more than a few words, you can add text area field to WordPress forms

Further, from the Dashboard link, we can take care of the WordPress forms payment, design, analytics, security, etc.

Publish the Form

After adding user data fields to the form it is now time to publish the form for your users on the front end. RegistrationMagic makes form publishing also a really simple job with its preset shortcodes.

As you hover your cursor on form covers on the All Forms page, you will also find a unique shortcode there. This shortcode remains unique to every form and it will help you publish this form on your site.

forms dashboard default wordpress registration form

Now, copy the shortcode from the form card. Paste it on a new WordPress page and click on Publish.

add new page default wordpress registration form

You will then find your form on the front end of your site. This form is now ready to create WordPress user accounts on your site. However, this is form has not yet replaced the default WordPress registration form.

We need to go to the Global Settings section of the plugin to make this the default WordPress registration form of your site.

Replace the Default WordPress Registration Form

The Global Settings menu of this plugin is the most important area that can lessen many jobs of the site admin. From here, you can enable or disable features on all the WordPress Forms on your site. Thus there is no need to work on each form when you enable any settings from this menu.

As we install the RegistrationMagic plugin on our sites. We find the plugin menu on the site’s menu panel. From there click on the Global Settings link.

Global Settings menu default wordpress registration form

As you land on the Global Settings page, you will find an array of menus to add up to extend the functionalities of your WordPress forms. From here, click on the Default Pages menu.

global settings default wordpress registration form

Now you will land on the Default Pages settings page. Here you will find two fields to replace the default pages of your WordPress site with the custom pages of your choice.

default pages default wordpress registration form

The first field asks the user to select a form of their choice to replace the default WordPress registration form. Thus I selected the one that I want to use as the default registration form of my choice.

The next field asks for a default user account page. So you can select the user area here that you can create with RegistrationMagic.

Tips: Admins can create custom user profile page in WordPress where the users can edit and manage their account details after registering on your site. After logging in, the users can view their profile, check messages and edit form submissions from these profile pages.

Now as you go on the front end of your site you will find the registration form of your choice in place of the default WordPress registration form.

RegistrationMagic Custom Form Replacing Default WordPress Form

shop form default wordpress registration form

As you can see, this form contains multiple custom fields like payment methods, prices, products etc compared to a default form.

In this similar way, you can select any form from the Default Pages section of Global Settings. This way your custom forms can replace the default WordPress registration form.

Edit Default WordPress Registration Form

There is also an option to edit the registration form from Global Settings. When you land on the Global Settings page, select the first menu, General Settings.

general settings default wordpress registration form

You will find here, that there are several fields to edit the default WordPress registration form.

First, select the Form Style from the drop-down. The two options here being – Match My Theme and Classic. The classic theme is inherent to the WordPress style. while Match My Theme will make your form visually align with the theme you are using on your site.

Then comes, Layout. Here you can fix the layout of the texts in your form. Likewise, the labels will shift to the left, top, or spread in two columns.

In the next field, you can write down all the file types that you want to allow your users to upload in your default form.

Then the following three checkboxes will allow your users to upload multiple files on their forms. And hide the WordPress toolbar from the registration page. Lastly, show the number of form limits above the form.

From the next field, you can choose the logo or image that you want to appear on the WordPress form submission PDFs.

In the text box below it, you can write the text that should accompany your logo on the form.

Then you can set the number of submission count on the Form Card in the All Forms page.

Next, there is the option to mark the mandatory fields with an asterisk. And finally, you can set the type of font on the PDF form submissions.

This way you can format and edit a default WordPress registration form the way you want.

Revamp Your Registration Page

An extensive user registration page that can take multifarious user data is of great usage to any membership site. Even if you are not planning to register users, a dynamic form also proves the efficiency of your site compared to a basic default one.

The versatility that your default WordPress registration form gets with RegistrationMagic prepares your site for professional work. Apart from adding custom user data fields, there are various elements with which this plugin boosts your registration pages.

You can let your users choose their WordPress user roles while filling up the form. You can even restrict users to submit forms based on date, passphrase, and user roles. Added to that, the admin can automate email notifications for members of each form.

Tips: RegistrationMagic lets the admin send automated welcome emails in WordPress after every successful registration on their site.

So day by day this plugin is becoming one of the most popular class registration plugin in WordPress. Hence, it time you also boost your site with RegistrationMagic to make out of your user registrations.

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