Actions - RegistrationMagic WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Wed, 24 Jul 2024 05:57:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms Sat, 20 Jul 2024 15:01:46 +0000 Complete WordPress Registration Forms Automation Guide RegistrationMagic’s Automation feature allows you to create tasks which run in the background and process actions on form submissions. Each task is attached to a specific form and requires setting rule(s). The tasks are scheduled using WordPress native cron system. Please note, scheduling too many tasks simultaneously may stress […]

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Complete WordPress Registration Forms Automation Guide

RegistrationMagic’s Automation feature allows you to create tasks which run in the background and process actions on form submissions. Each task is attached to a specific form and requires setting rule(s). The tasks are scheduled using WordPress native cron system. Please note, scheduling too many tasks simultaneously may stress resources of shared or moderately powered servers. Automation is another step in our plan to keep providing you greater control over your forms. You will keep seeing new automation rules and actions in coming months. Good luck!

Note that custom user statuses and manual actions are also part of RegistrationMagic plugin, but not included in this WordPress forms automation guide. Visit our WordPress user registration guide for details on how to carry out manual actions with status labels.

This article serves as a complete WordPress forms automation guide. If you need to dive deep into any specific topics, you can browse the individual posts here.

1. Automate Actions on WordPress Form Payment Status
2. Automate Actions on WordPress Form Field Values
3. Setting up Automated Emails for WordPress Forms
4. Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion
5. Automation On WordPress User Account Activation or Deactivation
6. Automation Based on WordPress Form Submission Time
7. Automation Based on WordPress Form Payment Gateway

Automation here refers to the task or rule applied on various aspects of a WordPress registration form. Click “Automation” lying just below “Field Analytics” under your RegistrationMagic plugin. In the meantime, create a new task and start applying the automation rule.


Create a New Automation Rule

The first page assigns a unique task name. Adding a description is not mandatory. Nevertheless, you can insert one for your convenience.


Click “Next” and go to the next page.

List of Automation Triggers

This page contains five distinct automation rules. All these rules can run on the selected form submissions. Let’s discuss all the rules one at a time.

User Account Rule 

The automation rule is applied to the users depending on the selected account state. User accounts can either be active or inactive. This rule is automated according to your selection.

Selecting “Activated User Accounts” runs the rule on those submissions made from active accounts. On the other hand, the “Deactivated User Accounts” rule is applied to submissions made from inactive accounts.

Submission Age Rule 

Enabling the WordPress form submission age rule allows you to select user accounts based on form submission time. That is, automation rule will calculate the age of submission, and use it as input criteria.

Nevertheless, this rule can be configured on two criteria. Submissions older and younger than criterion is used to select submissions older or younger than the specified days. The days are calculated based on the date of running the automation task.

Field Value Rule 

This rule helps in selecting form submissions based on their respective field values. Values can be added beside each other separated by a “|”. However, you can only select fields and values which are present in the form.

For instance, you are looking to run the automation rule on some selected email addresses. This rule is applicable only if those accounts with the relative email addresses have submitted the form.

In fact, remember defining the field and value here if you want the automation to run on selected submissions.

Payment Processor Rule

Payments processors are gateways for executing monetary transactions. Consequently, online payments are possible through these secure gateways. In fact, your card details integrate with these payment processors. At the same time, it helps in quick and undisputed transactions.

Some of the few payment processors incorporated are:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Offline
  • WePay

The automation task runs only on those submissions whose transactions are executed using one of these gateways. For instance, selecting Stripe automates only those submissions whose payments are made through Stripe. The same rule also applies to the rest of the payment processors as well.

In short, it lessens the manual steps of selecting forms according to their payment type.

Payment Status Rule

The “Payment Status Rule” only selects submissions depending upon the payment status. Nevertheless, the payment status can be of 3 types:

  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Canceled

The automation task runs only on submissions with a complete, pending or canceled payment status. To summarize, selection rules filter a submission if all enabled rules are true for that submission. To illustrate, enabling both “Field Value Rule” and “Payment Processor Rule” only filters submissions fulfilling both the rules.

For instance, selecting a completed payment status triggers the rule for those submissions with fulfilled payments. Other payment statuses also affect submissions accordingly.

We move on to the next page now.

List of Automation Actions

User account action  

This rule helps to automate WordPress user account activation, deactivation or deletion without manual intervention. You might also do nothing with the account.

WordPress user account automation options include:

  • Do nothing
  • Activate Account
  • Deactivate Account
  • Delete Account

Select the action taken on accounts associated with selected submissions. For instance, selecting “Activate account” will make those accounts active according to earlier selections. You can also delete or deactivate user accounts in the same way.

Assign User Role Action

This action will allow you to change the roles of the users selected by the user selection parameters in your Automation task.

There is an important point to note with this action though. It is that while the selected roles will be assigned to the users, their existing roles will get unassigned. So if you want to retain any of their existing roles, you should select those roles in this action as well.

Send Email

This section automates an email to user accounts associated with selected submissions. You can add a subject and a content for the body of the email. You can also add any type of media file and use values from form fields selecting one from the drop-down.

Automated Emails for WordPress forms strengthens the admin-user relationship. With the user receiving account activation and deletion email users feel connected to your brand. You can now make your user aware of their account status with these emails. In fact, your manual workflow post submission is automated with ease. This is because only a single click allows you to send emails to multiple users.

Note that Automation Triggers and User Account Action are accessible for Free for all users, but ‘User Role’ Action and ‘Send Email’ Action are included in the RegistrationMagic Premium package.

Download RegistrationMagic Premium here.

Running the Automation Task

Save each and every configuration or the changes you have incorporated.

To run the task, go to the “Automation” page and click Run Now for the task you created. The automation rule runs exclusively on the selected submissions.

This finally completes the automation guide for WordPress forms.

Note that some features of WordPress forms automation are free, and available for download on our WordPress page. Also, we keep launching new features, which are announced on our Facebook page; stay connected with us on Facebook.

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Send Emails to Registered Users in WordPress with Ease Sun, 06 Aug 2023 20:43:54 +0000 Introducing Bulk Email System The Bulk Email System comprises three key components: New Bulk Email, Active Queue, and Outbox. Within the navigation bar, users can conveniently select recipient users from specific forms. This efficient system enables sending bulk emails to registered users, streamlining the communication process. Furthermore, it actively monitors the email queues, ensuring timely […]

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Introducing Bulk Email System

The Bulk Email System comprises three key components: New Bulk Email, Active Queue, and Outbox. Within the navigation bar, users can conveniently select recipient users from specific forms. This efficient system enables sending bulk emails to registered users, streamlining the communication process. Furthermore, it actively monitors the email queues, ensuring timely delivery. Altogether, this system significantly enhances user communication capabilities.

Create New Bulk Email

Email Subject

Here, administrators have the option to broadcast the subject of bulk emails to all registered users.

Email Body

This section contains all the content intended for emails sent to registered users. The “Add Media” button facilitates the incorporation of images, audio, or video files, which will be included in the emails sent to recipients. Additionally, the “Add Fields” button allows the inclusion of specific fields like Name, Description, Email, and Website, elevating the professionalism of the emails. Users can toggle between visual and text modes. In text mode, users can input text while in visual mode, users can view the presentation format. This flexibility ensures a seamless and personalized email creation process.

Active Queues

On this page, a comprehensive list of all active email queues scheduled by administrators for the users. By selecting a specific recipient from the provided options, you can check the active queues designated for that particular recipient. If there are currently no active email streams, the page will display the message: “No active queue. Please select a form from the dropdown to send emails.”

Outbox [Sent Emails]

This section compiles all bulk emails sent to registered users, generated using RegistrationMagic. You have the option to toggle between different forms from the provided choices. Additionally, you can select the “All” option to include emails from all domains. The time checklist assists in filtering specific sent emails based on their dispatch date, allowing you to view emails sent today, this week, this month, or this year. For more precise filtering, the custom period option enables you to set date constraints by specifying the “from” and “up to” dates.

The page presents sent emails in rows, with columns for To, Subject, Content, and Action. Clicking the view button grants access to the complete content of the email, displaying detailed information such as Sent On, Subject, and Content. To facilitate specific searches, the search feature enables users to input keywords or search terms that match fields like To, Subject, or Content. This functionality ensures easy retrieval of desired emails based on customized search criteria.

Outgoing Email Handler

This section manages email configuration settings.

Sent Email through External SMTP

In this method, administrators can choose to use external SMTP services (e.g., Google, Yahoo, etc.) instead of a local mail server to deliver RegistrationMagic emails. Users can input the SMTP host address in the field labeled “SMTP Host.” Further, select the type of encryption provided by the SMTP service provider from the dropdown menu under “Encryption Type.” Next, users need to specify the SMTP port number in the “SMTP Port” field. Additionally, the sender’s email address can be added to complete the configuration. This setup enables seamless integration with external SMTP services for reliable email delivery.

Sent Email through WordPress Default System

This method utilizes the built-in mail program that relies on your host server to send emails. The first input is labeled “To,” where the admin can specify the email addresses to which the emails will be sent. The second input, labeled “Message,” allows users to define the content they wish to deliver to the specified email addresses.

Submission Notification for User

Within this section, you can designate the sender’s name and email address, which will appear in the message header received by the user. The sender’s name serves to identify the source of the email. This name can be dynamically selected from the form or, if the user is already registered, retrieved from their WordPress profile. This feature allows for personalization and ensures that the emails are sent with the appropriate sender information.

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Automate Actions on WordPress Form Payment Status Tue, 05 Jun 2018 16:37:17 +0000 WordPress form payment status rule The “Payment Status Rule” selects submissions depending upon the payment status. The payment status can be of 3 types: Completed Pending Canceled The automation task runs on those submissions whose payment is complete, pending or canceled. In summary, selection rules filter a submission if all enabled rules are true for that […]

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WordPress form payment status rule

The “Payment Status Rule” selects submissions depending upon the payment status. The payment status can be of 3 types:

  • Completed
  • Pending
  • Canceled

The automation task runs on those submissions whose payment is complete, pending or canceled. In summary, selection rules filter a submission if all enabled rules are true for that submission. For instance, enabling both “Field Value Rule” and “Payment Processor Rule” only filters submissions fulfilling both the rules. Submissions unfulfilling one of these rules are discarded.

This rule applies to those using paid forms. Free forms are not affected by this rule.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Navigating to automate form payment status

Navigate to the “Automation” feature from the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Automate WordPress form payment status form

Create a new task from the operations column of the automation page. From the drop-down, select a form on which this task will run on.

Automate WordPress form payment status form manager

Assign a unique task name. In this example, we have assigned task name as “New Task”.

Filling the description section is still optional. Nevertheless, for your personal need, you can fill the input box with a relative description. To illustrate, “Automate actions on WordPress form payment status” is the description here.

Automate WordPress form payment status options

Go to the next page.

Configuring the form payment status rule

Check the “Payment Status Rule” checkbox. A popup appears allowing to select one or multiple payment statuses. The automation rule will run on those submissions with the selected payment status.

Automate WordPress form payment status rule

For example, if the payment status is “completed”, then submissions with complete payment status are automated. With a “pending” payment status the automation rule acts upon submissions with incomplete payment. Similarly, choosing the canceled payment status automates aborted form submissions.

As a matter of fact, you can select multiple payment statuses. Selecting completed and pending will automate submissions with both the statuses.

Go to the next page.

Automate WordPress form payment status account action

The user account action defines the action taken on the user account according to previous entries. Choosing to deactivate an account would disable the account with selected payment status on the last page.

Moreover, you can send an email to the user mentioning their account status. Embed necessary information in the mail and save your settings.

Activating the automation task

Go back to the “Automation” page and run the automation task. Click “Run Now” to do so.

In conclusion, this completes automating actions on WordPress form Payment status.



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Automate actions on WordPress form field values Mon, 04 Jun 2018 16:28:40 +0000 WordPress form field values automation rule The field value rule selects submissions which match the values set in the automation rule. Using the “|” special character, multiple values can additionally be placed side by side. Form submissions are selected based on matching field values. You can choose those submissions which are done using some selected email […]

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WordPress form field values automation rule

The field value rule selects submissions which match the values set in the automation rule. Using the “|” special character, multiple values can additionally be placed side by side. Form submissions are selected based on matching field values.

You can choose those submissions which are done using some selected email addresses. Take note that the automation rule only applies to those field values incorporated in the form.

For example, you want to run the automation rule on some chosen email addresses. This rule is applicable only if those accounts with the relative email address have submitted the form.

In this tutorial, we select the field and values on which this automation rule will run.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Navigating to the automation feature

Go to “Automation” from the RegistrationMagic plugin on your dashboard.

WordPress form field values form

Generate a “New Task” from the operations box of the Automation page. Consequently, select the form on whose field values you will run the automation rule.

WordPress form field values new task

Assign a unique name to the task. In this case, we assign the task name as “New Task”. Fill the description below if required. This inclusion, however, is not mandatory. Since we are automating actions on WordPress form fields values we fill description with the same.

WordPress form field values form manager

Go to the next page.

Configuring the “Field Value Rule”

Check the checkbox for the “Field Value Rule”. This allows you to select submissions based on matching field values.

WordPress form field values rules

Select a field from the drop-down below. You can only select the fields which are present in your form. Fill the values for the respective fields in the adjacent input box. These field values are also the ones present in the form. Thus this section allows you to create automation rules for submitted field values.

For example, you want automation to run on all submissions where the user entered “Value A” in “Field A” form. Define it first in this section by selecting the field and entering the value. Automation also checks all submissions to see which one has that value in that particular field.

Go to the next page. Choose the action you will take on the user account.

WordPress form field values user account actions

You can activate, deactivate, delete or do nothing to the account. Furthermore, this action is influenced by the selected submissions and earlier settings.

Finally, send an email to the user mentioning his account status.

Save the automation settings.

WordPress form field values run task

Go back to the “Automation” page and run the automation task. In conclusion, you are able to automate actions on WordPress form field values.


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Automation Based on WordPress Form Payment Gateway Sun, 03 Jun 2018 16:27:56 +0000 WordPress form Payment Gateway Types Payments processors are gateways for executing monetary transactions. Consequently, online payments are possible through these secure gateways. Your credit or debit card details are integrated with these payment processors. At the same time, it helps in faster and flawless transactions. Multiple payment gateways included in this rule make transactions simple specifically […]

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WordPress form Payment Gateway Types

Payments processors are gateways for executing monetary transactions. Consequently, online payments are possible through these secure gateways. Your credit or debit card details are integrated with these payment processors. At the same time, it helps in faster and flawless transactions.

Multiple payment gateways included in this rule make transactions simple specifically for diverse crowds. The automation rule, therefore, runs on those submissions made through the selected payment processor.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Navigating to Automate Payment Processor rule

Navigate to “Automation” under the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway Form

Drill in to run an automation task. From the drop-down select the form where the automation rule is applied. This form can be anyone of your choice.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway form manager

Assign a unique name to the task. The task name assigned in this case is “New Task“.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway new task

The description section is optional. In fact, you can go ahead and fill it for your convenience. In this example, the focus is to automate actions on WordPress form payment processor type.

Configuring WordPress form Payment Processor Type

Go to the next page and check the “Payment Processor Rule” checkbox. This rule is applied to those form submissions made using the selected payment gateway at checkout.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway options

The different payment processors present here are:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Offline
  • WePay

You can relish the liberty of selecting multiple payment processors. All these payment processors eventually are the most conventional ones. Monetary transactions made through these gateways are swift and safe.

The automation task runs specifically on those submissions whose payment is processed through one of these gateways. For example, selecting PayPal automates only those submissions with payments made through PayPal. The same rule applies to the rest of the payment processors as well.

To summarize. it cuts down lengthy manual steps of segregating forms according to their payment type.

Setting Automation Output

Click “Save” to go to the next page.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway account actions

According to earlier settings select the action to be taken on the user account. In fact, you can delete, activate or deactivate any user account.

Users paying through selected gateways might be active or inactive. This completely depends upon the admin. In addition, you can also send emails notifying users of the account status.

Save the automation task settings. Go back to the Automation page. Run the task you created simultaneously.

Automate WordPress form Payment Gateway run task

Finally, this completes automating actions on WordPress form Payment Processor Type.

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Automation On WordPress User Account Activation or Deactivation Tue, 29 May 2018 15:58:14 +0000 Automation On WordPress user account state (Activated or Deactivated) A WordPress user account can be in an active or inactive state. Enabling the user account automation rule allows you to select users groups according to their account status. Automation eliminates the manual efforts and execute the tasks based on account state, automatically. In this article, we […]

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Automation On WordPress user account state (Activated or Deactivated)

A WordPress user account can be in an active or inactive state. Enabling the user account automation rule allows you to select users groups according to their account status. Automation eliminates the manual efforts and execute the tasks based on account state, automatically. In this article, we will be discussing automation on WordPress user account state activation or deactivation.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Automation feature

Click “Automation” from the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Automation On WordPress User Account

You can create a new task from the Automation page. Select the form you want to act upon from the toggle drop-down.

Automation On WordPress User Account manager

Creating a task to automate actions

Click “New Task”.

Automation On WordPress User Account new task

Assign a unique name to the task. Here we automate actions based on WordPress user account state. Fill the description.

Go to the next page. Check the “User Account Rule” checkbox. It allows you to select users according to the user account state.

Selecting the activated user account radio button assigns automation tasks to active accounts only. Similarly, selecting the deactivated user account radio button assigns automation task to deactivated accounts only.

We will bypass other rules as of now, since focus of this article is on automation based on WordPress user account state.

Automation On WordPress User Account options

Navigate to the last page.

Automation On WordPress User Account action

You can act on the selected user accounts by activating, deactivating or deleting accounts.

The user account is activated or deactivated depending on the selected submissions. You might even choose not to take any action on account state, and just configure automated emails.

One can send emails to user accounts associated with selected account state.

Automation On WordPress User Account output

Click “Save” to complete the setup. Run your task to automate actions on WordPress user account state.

This completes the setup of automation on WordPress user account state. Note that you can apply multiple rules and setup as many automated emails as you like, as per your need.

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Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time Sun, 27 May 2018 23:23:58 +0000 WordPress form submission time automation rule Enabling the ‘WordPress form submission time’ rule allows you to select user accounts based on form submission time. That is, automation rule will calculate the age of submission, and use it as input criteria. Read More. Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms Navigating to the automation feature Navigate to […]

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WordPress form submission time automation rule

Enabling the ‘WordPress form submission time’ rule allows you to select user accounts based on form submission time. That is, automation rule will calculate the age of submission, and use it as input criteria.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Navigating to the automation feature

Navigate to “Automation” from the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time dashboard

Go to the Automation page to run a new task. Choose the form on which this automation will run from the toggle drop-down.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time task

Choose a unique name to the new task.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time description

Fill the description defining the automation task. Go to the next page.

Setting WordPress form submission time

Check the “Submission Age rule”. Navigate to the “Define Period” grey area.

Enable this rule to select form submissions based on the time elapsed after submission. The submission time period will be the input to the automation rule. Further, this rule can be configured on the following two criteria:

  1. Submissions older than: Use this criterion to select form submissions that are older than a specific number of days from the date of running the automated task.
  2. Submissions younger than: Use this criterion to select form submissions that are younger than a specific number of days from the date of running the automated task.

As a example,  we will run the automation task, with submissions older than 5 days, and submissions younger than 2 days. The automation rule will collect all user accounts with above criteria, to performs automated action that will be selected in next step.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time input

Setting automation output

Click on next to go to the last page.

You can now choose the action taken on the user accounts with form submissions that matches the criteria step in last page. Either activate, deactivate, delete or leave the user account as it is. In our example, lets deactivate he user account as output to our automation rule.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time output

You can also send an automated email to the user accounts with form submissions that matches the criteria step in last page. In our example, let’s send the automated email. The subject will be “Disabled Account”. The Email body will be “Your account is in disabled state; contact your admin”.

Click on save to automate actions on user form submission time.

Automation Based On WordPress Form Submission Time run rule

Run the automation task. Again, in our example, all user accounts for last 5 days will be disabled. All user who will submit the required form  in next two days will be disabled as well. Further, the system will send automated email message to these users with the subject “Disabled Account”, and with email “Your account is in disabled state; contact your admin”.

This completes the tutorial on how to setup WordPress form submission time automation rule.

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Setting up Automated Emails for WordPress Forms Fri, 25 May 2018 14:41:29 +0000 Send Automated Emails for WordPress Forms with RegistrationMagic An automated email is a message sent to the user without manual intervention. Moreover, automated emails for WordPress forms strengthen the admin-user relationship. Users feel connected to your brand. Yet, the admin can manage communication with his/her users without having to compose emails for every user. Enabling […]

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Send Automated Emails for WordPress Forms with RegistrationMagic
When there are multiple users on your membership site, automated emails for WordPress forms save a lot of manual work. The admin won’t have to worry about sending email notifications for every user registration or deactivation.

An automated email is a message sent to the user without manual intervention. Moreover, automated emails for WordPress forms strengthen the admin-user relationship. Users feel connected to your brand. Yet, the admin can manage communication with his/her users without having to compose emails for every user.

Enabling automated emails for WordPress forms with the RegistrationMagic plugin will send emails as per specified criteria to each user on your site. This WordPress registration plugin also offers filters based on user metadata to send automated emails.

RegistrationMagic is considered the best WordPress class registration plugin since it allows custom form creation. You can create dynamic WordPress registration forms with payment options to boost your professional membership site.

With automated emails for WordPress forms, you can now convert your manual workflow post form submission to a completely automated process.

However, these days automated emails are the most preferred marketing tool for customer engagement and user retention.

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, in 2008, 40% of brands sent a welcome message to their new subscribers. Today 80% of brands send these types of automated messages.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Having said so, let’s show you how you can set up automated emails for WordPress forms for your membership site with RegistrationMagic.

Navigating to the Automation page

First, install the RegistrationMagic plugin on your site. After activation, you will find the plugin menu on your dashboard. Now, go to Automation from the RegistrationMagic plugin menu.

You will land on the Automation page. Here, you can see there is an option to create a New Task. This is where you can set up an Automation Task for your users. From sending email notifications to automated account activation you can do various tasks from here.

On the right corner of the page, you will also find a drop down from where you can choose a form. On this form, you can set up your automated emails for WordPress forms.

Setting up the Automation Task

Clicking on the New Task link opens up a Task Settings page. Assign a Task Name in the text area. This name will appear on your backend helping you to differentiate one task from the other.

Fill up the task description, it will help you to list down your automated tasks on the backend. Here, in our example, I wrote, “Setting up Automated Emails” as the task description.

Now, click Next to go to the next page. Here you can select one rule or multiple rules to set up the automated emails for your users.

The User Account Rule lets you select users according to the state of the account. There are two fields to choose from – Activated and Deactivated users.

Next, the Submission Age Rule defines the age limit for submitting the form. You can specify the age from the options that appear after you check the checkbox.

The Field Value Rule chooses users based on the data field values on their forms. You can select the user data fields from your form based on which you will send the automated emails. After you check the checkbox, you can also select the fields from the dropdowns showing the fields of your form.

The Payment Processor Rule allows you to select one gateway from several payment gateways. The users with the selected gateway will be eligible to receive automated emails.

The Payment Status Rule selects users by their payment status. Payment statuses can be pending, complete or canceled.

Click Next and go to the following page. This is the page used for setting up automated emails in WordPress for your users.

Setting up Automated Emails in WordPress

The User Account Action field gives you four choices. These include account activation, deletion, and deactivation. You can also choose to do nothing.

When you start the automation task your selection will affect the user account likewise.

The Send Email field is the main setting to compose automated emails.

automated Emails for WordPress forms email

Checking the checkbox sends automated emails to user accounts that fit the selection criteria in step 2.

Next, input the content for the subject line of the email.

One can fill the Body section with HTML codes or texts. You can also insert field values by choosing a field from the Select a Field drop down. These are the fields here to which you can apply the automation rule. You can also add images, links, and videos to the email content.

Lastly, click on Save.

Now, you can see your New Task is there on the Automation page. Next, click on Run Now to start the task.

You can also click on Edit if want to make further changes to the task.

So, you see how easily we set up automated Emails for WordPress forms with RegistrationMagic. However, you can apply multiple rules and setup as many automated emails as you like, as per your need.

Usage of Automated Emails

So, with RegistrationMagic, it was quite simple to send an automated email after every WordPress new user registration. You can now send account verification or deletion warning emails to your users.

Also, since there were options to insert link and media to automated emails sending fancy emails with offers and discounts is a cakewalk.

There are also, options to include the username or first name fields of a user in these emails. Thus sending personalized emails on birthdays or special days of your users is now quite an easy task.

This way your users feel prioritized and so they keep coming back to your site. These emails basically, make the relationship between a site and its user more cordial. When users find your site name on their mailbox frequently they tend to visit your site more often. Yet the admin does not need to write every single mail.

Automated emails also come in use if you want to send out words to many people in one go. Whether its an invitation or a sudden meeting in your office. RegistrationMagic’s automated emails can notify all your staff with you having to compose just one mail.

So, rely on this plugin to take care of most of the manual work on your site. As you focus on managing your business more professionally.

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Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion Wed, 23 May 2018 12:39:58 +0000 Automate WordPress User Account State This rule helps to automate WordPress user account activation, deactivation or deletion without manual intervention. You can automate WordPress user account without coding. WordPress user account automation options include: Do nothing Activate Account Deactivate Account Delete Account You can select one of above options to automate the task to desired […]

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Automate WordPress User Account State

This rule helps to automate WordPress user account activation, deactivation or deletion without manual intervention. You can automate WordPress user account without coding.

WordPress user account automation options include:

  • Do nothing
  • Activate Account
  • Deactivate Account
  • Delete Account

You can select one of above options to automate the task to desired user account state.

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Navigation to the Automation Task Settings

From your WordPress dashboard, go to RegistrationMagic plugin. Browse to the “Automation” feature.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion

Click “New Task” from the operations menu. The drop-down to top right indicates the form where the automation will be worked upon.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion dashboard

Clicking on “New Task” navigates you to the “Task Settings” page. Fill the input box for “Task Name” with a unique task name. Fill the description below stating the task.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion task manager

In this case, the task is to automate user account actions.

The next page has automation inputs such as user account rule, define period, field value rule, payment status and processor rules.

The user account rule selects users depending on the state of the account. The submission range field defines submission parameters before or after the given time period. The field value rule chooses submissions based on the field values on your form. The payment processor rule has a number of payment gateways to choose from. Selecting a particular gateway accepts those form submissions going through that particular payment processor. The payment status rule select users according to their payment status; only the submissions through selected payment status will be worked upon during automation.

Navigate to the third page by clicking next. You can see four options embedded with radio buttons. Choose any one of them.

As an example, we go ahead with the “Deactivate Account” option when user’s payment processor is PayPal.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion rule apply

Scroll down and click the save button.

Automating user account action in WordPress

The primary Automation page now has a “New Task” implanted on it. Click “Run Now” to activate the automation manually. Automation rules run automatically with WordPress processes.

[Note to not select rule that can deactivate all users, as this setting will deactivate you as an admin too]


Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion manager

Go to form’s front-end. Fill the form with relevant details. In this case for testing purposes, we have used the email address Choose PayPal processor and make a test payment. Submit the form.

Go back to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to User Manager section under RegistrationMagic plugin.

You can see a number of user accounts with their respective email ID’s. You will see that the account with the name “automate” is deactivated.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion user manager

This is because you selected the “deactivate account” option from the Task Settings page, whenever user payment processor is PayPal.

Click “View” to manage the user account.

Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion user account

You have successfully deactivated the user account for Payment Processor rule, using Automation.

The post Automate WordPress User Account Activation, Deactivation or Deletion appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

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How to Automate WordPress Registration Form Sat, 17 Jun 2017 23:08:30 +0000 The idea of having a customized and automate WordPress registration form on the website is to use the data in a very organized and systematic way that can be analyzed and intelligently acted upon. The by default registration form that WordPress has; does not offer any automation offering. However, a customized user registration form through […]

The post How to Automate WordPress Registration Form appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

The idea of having a customized and automate WordPress registration form on the website is to use the data in a very organized and systematic way that can be analyzed and intelligently acted upon.

The by default registration form that WordPress has; does not offer any automation offering. However, a customized user registration form through Registration Magic Plugin can help you with beautiful and compelling front- end and connect it with your email notification/marketing service, user roles/status management and payment reminder automatic notifications.

Having said that, let’s take a look at tasks and functions you can use with your Registration Magic customized forms.

  1. Do nothing
  2. Activate Account
  3. Deactivate Account
  4. Delete Account

In this post, I’m going to show you how to effectively automate any Registration Form made by our very own Registration Magic plugin.

How to automateWordPress Registration Form using Registration Magic?

In order to apply automate features, the first thing is to create a Registration Form and add fields to it. How to quickly create a multi-page form in WordPress tutorial.

Once you are done with creating a Registration Form, the next step is to create the Automation Tasks.

Begin by Automation, and then select registration form from the drop-don displaying for → NEW TASK to create a new task:

automate wordpress registration form 1

Every registration form can have its own set of tasks. Create a new task for your selected registration form and give it a unique name.

automate wordpress registration form 2

Next, it is the time to create the task conditions that will automate WordPress registration form ( i.e when and how this particular task will trigger.)

To initiate start building the conditions around the status of User Accounts. Select whether you want this task to trigger for the activated user accounts or user accounts which are currently deactivated. Also, if you want to further narrow down the users to the age of their subscription with the website. In a situation where you want to select users who have subscribed in last 3 months, you can select Submission older than 0 days and younger than 90 days.

automate wordpress registration form 3

Going further you can also customize the task around certain field values. The registration magic automate feature helps you to setup multiple field values that which when occur together can trigger the task you are currently building. When you select multiple field values they work under AND operation. This provides a flexibility to website admin to automate WordPress registration form at micro level.

automate wordpress registration form 4

Most of the times you would like to build up your task around the payment processor. The automated feature will pick the values that user has selected in the registration form. Further, the action can be customized on user’s current payment status.

automate wordpress registration form 5

Now, when you have set up all the conditions that trigger the current task, it is the time to select the action. Select the radio buttons as shown in the image below to define what automation feature should do when it catches an entry as per the above conditions. You can choose to activate/deactivate or delete the user account.

automate wordpress registration form 6

In case you want to notify the user, you can check for email notifications and send them a customized email.

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The post How to Automate WordPress Registration Form appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

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