Integrations - RegistrationMagic WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:22:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Add Custom Form Fields to WooCommerce Registration Form Wed, 31 Aug 2022 05:11:30 +0000 If you’ve ever bought something online (that’s most of us!), you’re probably familiar with the checkout process: Add product to cart → Click checkout → Register for an account → Pay → Receive item And it’s the same with WooCommerce. You can require your users to register for an account before they checkout. But here’s […]

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If you’ve ever bought something online (that’s most of us!), you’re probably familiar with the checkout process:

Add product to cart → Click checkout → Register for an account → Pay → Receive item

And it’s the same with WooCommerce. You can require your users to register for an account before they checkout. But here’s what you can’t do in WooCommerce:

Add extra custom user registration fields for WooCommerce to your checkout registration field.

At least not without help…

With Registration Magic, you can add as many extra custom user registration fields for WooCommerce registration form as your heart desires. Whether you want to find out where your visitors found your store, get more demographic data, or collect anything else…our WordPress Registration Plugin can help.

Here’s exactly how you can add new form fields to WooCommerce using Registration Magic Premium.


Step 1: Disable Guest Checkout

In order for your custom WooCommerce registration form fields to show up, the first thing you need to do is disable guest checkout for WooCommerce.

That means your guests will no longer be able to checkout without creating an account (or logging into an existing account). It’s necessary for your custom WooCommerce form fields to display.

You can disable guest checkout by going to WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout. Find the Enable Guest Checkout checkbox beside the Checkout Process section and make sure you uncheck it:


Step 2: Create Your New WooCommerce Registration Form Fields

Now, you’re ready to create your brand spankin’ new WooCommerce registration form fields. Your new form fields will display below the standard WooCommerce registration form.

You can create those new fields just like you would any other Registration Magic form. Here’s the process…

First, go to RegistrationMagic → Add Form. Make sure to give your form a name. You can leave all the other settings as blank or default:


On the next page, scroll down and click the Pages and Fields button:


In this interface, you can add the new fields you want to appear on your WooCommerce registration form. Remember – you don’t need basic fields like Email Address and Name. Those are already included in the standard WooCommerce registration form.

Let’s say, for example, that you want to add two new fields:

  • Age
  • Where did you find us?

You can create a simple text entry field for age and a dropdown with options for “Where Did You Find Us?”:


Just click on the form fields at the top of the page to add them. When you add each form field, you’ll be able to configure its options.

When you’re finished, your form field settings should look something like this (you can ignore the Email field – it won’t display on the final product):


Step 3: Tell WooCommerce to Use Your Custom Registration Fields

Last step, I promise! Now, you just need to set up the WooCommerce integration in Registration Magic.

To do that, go to RegistrationMagic → Global Settings → WooCommerce Integration:


Select the form you just created from the dropdown and click save:


And that’s it!

Now, when your users go to checkout, they should see two added fields below the standard WooCommerce registration form:


Step 4: Updates to WooCommerce functionality

Our Display Fields are also part of WooCommerce integration. Display Fields are informational snippets that you can add to your WooCommerce forms. It is a unique new system that adds extra layers of information, animations and dynamic data to your users while they fill up the form. You can insert these fields from the ‘Add Fields’ pop-up of RegistrationMagic’s Fields Manager.

With the launch of version you can now do the opposite. It means, you can now add WooCommerce fields to any RegistrationMagic form! That’s right, even a regular form like a contact form. Beginning with this version, you will find a new section of fields appearing in your Fields Manager.

As you can see in the screenshot – WooCommerce Billing, Shipping and Number fields are visible right inside Fields Manager popup. Click on them to add to your forms. Remember, these fields will appear just like they do in WooCommerce checkout form. For users with an existing account, submitting a form with one of these fields will update user specific values in the database.

So this is another step towards a richer and more meaningful WooCommerce integration for your forms; and, there’s even more in store for you. Our future plans include adding WooCommerce products to your registration forms.

Wrapping Things Up

While you can technically use RegistrationMagic to add unlimited new fields to your WooCommerce registration form, we recommend that you be discerning when choosing which extra fields to add. Use your newfound power wisely. Add only those fields which truly provide you with valuable information.

We also recommend that you read our advance WordPress User Login Plugin guide. With Registration Magic, you can very easily step-up your WooCommerce user login analytics, and monitor user login timelines, login failure vs success rates and other important login parameters. You can also modernize your WooCommerce login process with two factor authentication and other advance login features.

Lastly, you can checkout RegistrationMagic Free and Premium plans comparison at this link.

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Boost RegistrationMagic Event Forms with EventPrime Integration Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:58:57 +0000 Add event forms to your WordPress website Want to add event forms to your WordPress website? Or, want to use your favorite user registration WordPress plugin to register users for your events? If you answered yes, then you have two ways to go about it. You can either use RegistrationMagic’s built-in form features. Or, a […]

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Add event forms to your WordPress website

Want to add event forms to your WordPress website? Or, want to use your favorite user registration WordPress plugin to register users for your events? If you answered yes, then you have two ways to go about it. You can either use RegistrationMagic’s built-in form features. Or, a much better way is that you can use RegistrationMagic’s integration with EventPrime – a unique events calendar WordPress plugin that allows you to add and view events right within the events calendar. This integration requires only RegistrationMagic and EventPrime active on your WordPress site. As for the rest of the process to register users, this guide is here to help you out.

RegistrationMagic Setup

Firstly, we need to have a user registration form already created with RegistrationMagic. I am assuming you have one already. However, if you don’t, you can simply download one from the many user registration form templates available on RegistrationMagic’s website. If grabbing an online event registration form template off the shelf doesn’t fit your needs, you can create a new one yourself. Just follow the simple steps mentioned in the official RegistrationMagic Starter Guide.

EventPrime Setup

To install and activate EventPrime on your WordPress site, just log in to your WP Dashboard and visit the ‘Plugins’ menu. Then, under the ‘Plugins’ menu, visit the ‘Add New’ page. Next, on the ‘Add New’ page, search for ‘EventPrime.’ Once ‘EventPrime’ shows up, click on ‘Install’ and then ‘Activate.’ Now, the integration between RegistrationMagic and EventPrime is ready to implement.

But first, to set up our RegistrationMagic form on an EventPrime event, we need to create an event with EventPrime. You can follow EventPrime’s Official Starter Guide and create your first event using EventPrime.

The Default EventPrime Event Registration Form

Moving forward, I have created an event in the EventPrime WordPress calendar plugin already. To allow user registrations for an event in EventPrime, it needs to have ‘Bookings’ enabled first. Therefore, we are going to configure Bookings for our event next.

Visit the Event Dashboard by clicking on the ‘Dashboard’ link on the event details popup.

Event Dashboard Link

Then access the Event Settings in the Dashboard.

Event Dashboard Settings Icon

Here you will find the options to enable Bookings, as well as Booking start and close dates.

Event Settings Bookings Options

Go ahead, set these options now, and we’ll move ahead to the next step.

Without the integration with RegistrationMagic, EventPrime displays its own user registration form or event form for event bookings. This form is visible to site users who are not already registered and logged in.

To see it, open the EventPrime frontend page where the events are displaying. This is the page where the shortcode [em_events] is added. From the events calendar on this page, hover your cursor over your newly created event and click on its title. This will take you to that event’s individual page. Ensure you visit it after logging out, as the registration form is not available to already registered site members.

On the event page, you’ll see a button with the text ‘Register Now.’

Event Booking Register Button

Click on the button, and it’ll take you to the default EventPrime registration form.

EventPrime Registration Form

The RegistrationMagic Registration Form

Now, to replace this form with our very own RegistrationMagic event forms, we need to go back to the Event Settings in the Event Dashboard. On this settings page, find the option ‘Event Registration Form.’ In the dropdown next to it is a list of all the registration forms created using RegistrationMagic. Also included in the list is the option to fall back to the default EventPrime registration form.

Event Form Selection Setting

For this example, I am going to select ‘Sample Registration Form,’ which I created using RegistrationMagic. Likewise, you can select your registration form as well and save the changes. Next, visit the event page on the frontend again and click on the ‘Register Now’ button. Now, you will see that the RegistrationMagic form for event registration instead of the default EventPrime one.

RegistrationMagic Registration Event Forms

An Enhanced Registration System for Events

By pairing RegistrationMagic’s powerful user registration tools with the highly versatile event management system of EventPrime, you can get more info on the users registering for your events. For user registrations, RegistrationMagic’s Automation and Analytics tools can be very handy.

With RegistrationMagic Automation, you can set specific user account and email actions based on form data rules. We have a complete guide on RegistrationMagic Automation, which you can check out right away. Also, RegistrationMagic’s Analytics tools will give you deeper insights into the demographics and behavior of your user registrations. Such as their IP location, time is taken to fill out the event forms, conversion %age, browser usage, and much more. For details, check out our detailed guide on RegistrationMagic Analytics.

Try out this amazing integration right now to add event forms, and let us know your feedback in the comments below.

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Boost RegistrationMagic User Profiles With ProfileGrid Integration Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:44:26 +0000 Learn How To Boost WordPress User Profiles With ProfileGrid Integration RegistrationMagic is built from the ground up for creating and processing registration and login forms on a WordPress site. In addition to that, it offers a front-end private user area, for your site users to view (or edit if allowed), submitted forms, and other related […]

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Learn How To Boost WordPress User Profiles With ProfileGrid Integration

RegistrationMagic is built from the ground up for creating and processing registration and login forms on a WordPress site. In addition to that, it offers a front-end private user area, for your site users to view (or edit if allowed), submitted forms, and other related information. But if you wish to take it a step further – to offer your registered users the option to build public or selectively public profiles, interact with fellow users, offer membership with content restrictions, etc. – RegistrationMagic has a free companion plugin, ProfileGrid, that does all this and more. When installed alongside RegistrationMagic, ProfileGrid serves as its dedicated extension, adding an extra dimension to RegistrationMagic’s WordPress User Profiles capabilities. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can do:


User Profile Pages

RegistrationMagic publishes a front-end user area using a special shortcode. Also, this is a private area, only accessible to currently logged in user. When you install ProfileGrid, its own user profile pages take over, and RegistrationMagic’s user area is neatly tucked into the private section of ProfileGrid’s beautifully rendered user profile pages. Moreover, all this happens automatically. It means you do not need to modify anything. ProfileGrid simply uses RegistrationMagic’s existing front-end shortcode and turns it into WordPress user profiles. Also, ProfileGrid even gives you the option to show/hide or rename RegistrationMagic’s user area tabs. To do this, just go to ProfileGrid—> Global Settings —> RegistrationMagic Integration

RegistrationMagic-ProfileGrid Integration: User Profile Page

Profile Images

RegistrationMagic fetches user profile images from Gravatar – which is part of the WordPress family of services. But if the user does not have a Gravatar profile, it is replaced by a generic placeholder image. Too many of them and things can start looking a little drab. Moreover, being a user profile plugin first, ProfileGrid allows your users to upload their own profile and cover images. It Is a robust system where you can define upload sizes from the dashboard and set default images for both user profile and cover. Further, on the front-end, users can crop and pan their uploaded photos. These photos automatically show inside RegistrationMagic replacing Gravatar and placeholder images.

RegistrationMagic-ProfileGrid Integration: User Profile Images

Content Restrictions

If you are planning to offer content based memberships to your users, ProfileGrid adds group registration based tiers and even allows users to submit and share content selectively. Also, this feature ties in with default WordPress posts and pages seamlessly allowing you granular content-based access.

User Activity Features

ProfileGrid comes with multiple user networking features like Friends System, In-Profile Notifications, Private Messaging, etc. Further, all these features become instantly available to your users through their revamped profile pages as soon as you install ProfileGrid.

RegistrationMagic-ProfileGrid Integration: User Activity Features

Group Activities

User Groups

ProfileGrid uses a novel group-based user registration system. These groups offer powerful features for user management and moderation. If you are registering users for clubs, teams, factions, etc., these can prove quite handy. You even have the option to assign and label managers to each group who have a separate set of capabilities.

RegistrationMagic-ProfileGrid Integration: WordPress User Profiles

Of course, the integration is not one-sided. RegistrationMagic adds powerful features to ProfileGrid’s native system.

Related post: Integrate RegistrationMagic Registration Forms with ProfileGrid User Profiles

After exploring all the things possible with ProfileGrid, you will find rewarding new ways to use the combination to your advantage. Every site is unique in its own way. With the comprehensive ecosystem offered by RegistrationMagic and ProfileGrid, you can choose among many different ways to turn the key.

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How to Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce Checkout Form Fri, 03 Nov 2017 06:22:19 +0000 WooCommerce Checkout Form Custom Fields Goal of this Tutorial - Learn how to add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout form page and capture additional user information. Also, learn how to check the captured information inside the dashboard area later. If you are running an online store using WordPress, chances are you would be using the […]

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WooCommerce Checkout Form Custom Fields

Goal of this Tutorial - Learn how to add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout form page and capture additional user information. Also, learn how to check the captured information inside the dashboard area later.

If you are running an online store using WordPress, chances are you would be using the excellent WooCommerce plugin. Honestly, nothing rivals popularity of WooCommerce among ecommerce WordPress plugins. It’s powerful, easy-to-use, and open source system with everything to get you started right away. In a sense, it is the very embodiment of spirit of WordPress itself. But just like WordPress, in specialized cases you will need to customize or extend its functionality to completely fit your needs. That is not necessarily a bad thing since not everyone needs all the bells and whistles from start. And it also allows a flourishing WordPress community offering solutions for different types of businesses with niche requirements.

As an ecommerce site owner, one of the most common things you do is to collect information about your users. And as common knowledge says, it must be done in subtlest way possible. You wouldn’t want to riddle your store with popups and customized forms. One thing that every buyer expects while shopping online is to register an account on the site while making their first purchase. It appears natural therefore, to collect information while the user is checking out, since it is part of completing the buying process - and almost nobody minds filling out the checkout form at that moment. Now here’s the bummer - there is no built in option to modify the WooCommerce checkout form page.

Since you have already found your way here, I am sure you would be curious to know how to get around this little problem of customizing WooCommerce checkout form. The solution below does not requires any knowledge of coding whatsoever and you won’t need tinkering with any files either. But there are couple of prerequisites that ask for very little effort. Firstly, guest checkout should be turned off in your WooCommerce Settings (Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout Tab → Checkout Process and uncheck Enable guest checkout). See, if you are allowing guest checkouts, you are essentially okay with customers not creating an account during purchases, which is absolutely fine by the way. It is also quickest way to allow checkouts to new customers. But when guest checkout is turned on, WooCommerce does not renders its registration form during checkout, leaving us with no way to hook custom fields. Therefore, it is a decision you must make before moving. Secondly, you should have a copy of RegistrationMagic Premium installed and configured. Once these two things are taken care of, we can proceed with the actual implementation of customized WooCommerce checkout form.

How to disable WooCommerce Guest Checkout

Disabling WooCommerce Guest Checkout

Now to capture user information, we need a user registration form. Creating registration forms is straightforward in RegistrationMagic and you can easily add custom fields to it. While creating the registration form, please keep in mind that we will be hooking custom fields in this form to WooCommerce registration form, thus creating a single expanded form. The custom fields of this form will appear below the regular WooCommerce registration form fields.

For the purpose of this demonstration and for simplicity, we will only add a single custom field to WooCommerce checkout form. Suppose we wish to collect data about users’ age while they register. This is a field not available in default WordPress profiles. First, you’ll need to create a new form in RegistrationMagic → Registration Forms → New Form. In the next popup, name it (although you are free to name it anything you want, for this example we’ll name it User Age). Keep default form type selected and save it. You’ll now see the form card appear in All Forms area.

The new form will appear in the All Forms area

The new form will appear in the All Forms area

Next, click Fields link on the form card, which will take you to Fields Manager. Click on Add Field and in the new popup select Number field type. In the field settings, choose a label for this field. Here we’re labeling it Your Age. Also enable Add This Field To User Account and define a user meta key if you already have one. Additionally, if you want to make this field mandatory, enable Is Required option. Save it and you are done here.

Creating Custom Field for WooCommerce Checkout Form

Creating Custom Field

Configuring custom field for WooCommerce checkout form

Configuring Custom Field

Custom field created successfully for WooCommerce

Custom Field Created Successfully

Next, we will add this form to WooCommerce registration form. For that, go to RegistrationMagic → Global Settings and click on WooCommerce Integration tab. Inside you will find an option Registration Form with a drop down list of forms you have already created in RegistrationMagic. Select the form User Age (or whatever you had named it). Hit save.

You have now successfully added the RegistrationMagic registration form to WooCommerce registration process. To quickly check it, let’s visit the store and purchase a product. Make sure you are not logged in. Add a product to the cart, click View Cart and then Proceed to checkout. On the new page you can now see Your Age file visible down below at the end of the registration form.

Custom Field visible on WooCommerce checkout form

Field is Now Visible on Checkout Form

Fill the required information and complete the process. Congratulations! Once the order has been created, you have successfully captured some extra user information during the WooCommerce checkout process.

But how will you check it?

One way of doing this is by going to RegistrationMagic → User Manager inside the Dashboard. You’ll have to log in once again as admin. Here you’ll see that RegistrationMagic displays a lot of WooCommerce information right inside its User Pages. Click on View in front of the recently registered user.

Recently Registered users through WooCommerce registration form

Recently Registered User

In the first tab, you’ll see the label Your Age with value on the right side. If you had added multiple custom fields, all of them would have been visible here.

Checking WooCommerce custom field value

Custom Field and Value in User Manager

Click on the tab with Woo icon and you will see the order this user just placed. You can view and edit the order from here.

WooCommerce user information

WooCommerce Data in User Manager

There’s also some meta information that RegistrationMagic captures about the user without any actual user input. To check that, visit Inbox in RegistrationMagic and view the Submission received with the last registration. You will see it has captured user IP, Browser Name, Submission Time, and of course the age.

WooCommerce Submission Records

Latest Submission in Inbox

WooCommerce Form Submission

Submission Data

You can find even more information in Form Analytics and Field Analytics areas like the time user took to fill out the WooCommerce Checkout form, or pie chart for option list custom fields.

WooCommerce registration analytics

Submission Analytics

For further analytical and data mining purposes, you may want to download the captured custom fields information in a file that can be opened inside spreadsheet program on your computer. You can do that by visiting the Inbox area and selecting the form from the dropdown - User Age, in our case. And click Export All. It will download a CSV file on your hard disk which can be easily imported into popular spreadsheet programs like MS Excel, Apple Pages etc.

WooCommerce custom fields in CSV file

CSV File Download

WooCommerce CSV file opened as spreadsheet

CSV File Opened as SpreadSheet

As you can see from above example, combining RegistrationMagic with WooCommerce opens up a host of new opportunities about how users data can be captured through WooCommerce Checkout Form. We hope you will find the information useful and easy to implement. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below and we’ll get back to you. Cheers!

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How to Save PDF Copies of WordPress Form Submissions to Dropbox Fri, 19 May 2017 19:26:49 +0000 Dropbox Forms Ever wished that you could have Dropbox forms to upload copies of your form submissions to directly to Dropbox? Most WordPress contact form plugins make it easy to send yourself notifications or log entries in WordPress’ dashboard… But what if you need more than that? Uploading your form submissions to Dropbox not only […]

The post How to Save PDF Copies of WordPress Form Submissions to Dropbox appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

Dropbox Forms

Ever wished that you could have Dropbox forms to upload copies of your form submissions to directly to Dropbox? Most WordPress contact form plugins make it easy to send yourself notifications or log entries in WordPress’ dashboard…

But what if you need more than that? Uploading your form submissions to Dropbox not only allows you to create a backup of all your submissions, but it also opens up some cool uses thanks to Dropbox’s user access control. This also allows you to use WordPress forms as Dropbox Forms.

For example, if you’re using a form to accept job applications, you can implement Dropbox forms through WordPress. You could automatically share all of those submissions with other members of your team…even if those members don’t have a WordPress account. All you’d need to do is grant them access to the folder on Dropbox!

There are heaps of other potential uses beyond backing up your contact forms, which is why I’m excited to show you how to use this new RegistrationMagic’s Dropbox forms feature.

How to Save WordPress Form Submissions to Dropbox

The Dropbox forms integration feature works like this:

Users fill out your WordPress contact or registration form like normal. You still get an email notification (if enabled) and see the entry in Registration Magic. The only change is that Registration Magic will also upload a PDF version of the form submission to Dropbox.

And because you’ll also have access to all of Dropbox’s user control features, you can share these files or folders with people who may not have access to your WordPress site.

To set it up, you’ll need to:

  • Set up your global Dropbox integration
  • Enable the Dropbox integration for each individual form you want the feature to work on

Here’s how to do both.

How to Configure Dropbox Global Integration with WordPress forms

Before you can set up RegistrationMagic forms integration with Dropbox, you’ll need to generate something called an Access Key for Dropbox.

To do that, head to this Dropbox page and click Create App:


Then choose the Dropbox API option, give it access to a specific folder, and give a name to your app. The name can be anything! Up to you:


Once you’ve filled everything out, click Create app at the bottom. On the next screen, scroll down until you find the Generated access token option and click Generate.


You should see a long string of random characters. This is the string you need to copy and paste into RegistrationMagic.

Once you have your access token, go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to RegistrationMagic → Global Settings and choose the External Integration option:


Then, scroll down to Dropbox App Access Token and paste in the access token that you generated in Dropbox’s interface:


Make sure to click Save and you’re finished!

Enable Dropbox Uploads on Individual Forms

Now that you have the global Dropbox setting configured, it’s easy to add Dropbox uploads to specific forms that you’ve created with RegistrationMagic.

Just head to the form for which you’d like to enable Dropbox uploads. In your dashboard for that form, scroll down to Add Apps To Your Form and select Dropbox:


All you need to do is check the box to Upload Submission PDF on Dropbox.


Now, whenever someone submits that specific form, Registration Magic will automatically add a PDF copy to your app’s folder in Dropbox


To add Dropbox forms uploads for additional forms, you just need to repeat this step for each form.

The path to access Dropbox files is: My FIles>Site Name Folder>Form Name Folder

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. And if you have any questions about how to back up WordPress form submissions to Dropbox, please leave them in the comments.

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