Analyze - RegistrationMagic WordPress User Registrations Forms Plugin Wed, 24 Jul 2024 05:53:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WordPress User Registration Analytics and Reports Sun, 19 Feb 2023 12:54:21 +0000 The most common way potential customers approach us these days is through a contact form on our websites. So, let us discuss today how we can make use of Analytics to increase the effectiveness of our web forms. Of all the web form systems available for WordPress (the most common platform for websites worldwide), it is […]

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The most common way potential customers approach us these days is through a contact form on our websites. So, let us discuss today how we can make use of Analytics to increase the effectiveness of our web forms. Of all the web form systems available for WordPress (the most common platform for websites worldwide), it is only RegistrationMagic that offers the kind of Analytics that is most useful to us. RegistrationMagic does this by offering you an entire screen fully dedicated to Form Analytics. In the remaining part of this article, I’ll be breaking down each section of RegistrationMagic’s Form Analytics screen to help you better understand it. So let us begin…

User Registration Overview

The user registration overview tab shows all the graphs and analytics in one place. In the first row, it has the basic count and functionalities related to forms and inboxes. The total forms count tells about the number of total forms. It also has an add new button to create a new form. The total submission tells about the overall submissions made to all the forms. Also, it has a link to the inbox page. The total users have the count of the number of users currently, with a link to the user manager. The total user roles have the count of user roles assigned to the users like administrator, editor, etc. Further, it has a link to the role manager. The submissions counter shows a graph that displays the number of submissions made in a span of either 1 day a week or a month. The trending forms show a pie chart with a percentage of which form has the maximum share of submissions. The latest submission column shows the list of the last submissions received in any of the forms.

The user registrations graph displays the number of registrations that occurred in the last 7 days, 7 weeks, a year, or the total count of all-time registrations. The login graph illustrates the number of logins that occurred in the last 7, 30, 60, or 90 days. The submissions counter indicates the number of submissions to various forms with options for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, and Last Month. The latest forms tab lists the last 5 records created by the admin, offering options to directly access the form dashboard or edit form fields. The essential shortcodes provide quick access to shortcodes for features like login forms and user directories, making it easy to embed specific forms on your website.

The logins panel provides up-to-date information on login activities, indicating whether they were normal or abnormal and successful or unsuccessful. The settings panel displays various options, including general settings, user accounts, privacy, and more, and it offers a direct link to access the global settings window. The export options allow users to download submissions for a selected form in CSV format, which is compatible with spreadsheets. Users can also download a specific form, including its layout and settings, as a backup or for importing into another installation. The latest attachments and payments sections display the most recent attachments made to submissions and payment records, with an option to download the latest attachments using the download button.

Form Analytics

Form analytics offer detailed insights into form submissions, including submission percentages and more. You can reset all statistics by selecting “Reset All Stats.” The reports section compiles comprehensive reports on form submissions, payments, and other data, which can be downloaded in PDF format.

The Form Analytics screen starts with a frequency graph, which provides a visual representation of the difference between the number of form visitors and the number of actual submissions. You can filter these statistics for the last 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days using the ‘Show data for’ filter located at the top left.

‘Conversion %’ is a pie chart derived from the same data as the ‘Submissions Over Time’ graph, which tracks visits and submissions. It complements the ‘Submissions Over Time’ frequency graph, aiding in visualizing user drop-off on your form and providing the total number of form visitors. ‘Browsers Used’ is another pie chart displaying the browsers utilized by form viewers, valuable for optimizing your form for specific browsers. ‘Failure Rate’ signifies the percentage of users who visited but couldn’t complete or submit the form. ‘Average Filling Time’ indicates the average time users take to complete and submit the form, helping identify areas for simplification.

The ‘Browser Wise Conversion’ bar chart breaks down total form visits and submissions by the browser used. This data can be synchronized with the ‘Browsers Used’ statistic to determine which browsers your form should be optimized for.

The form submissions table, found at the bottom of the Form Analytics screen, presents a tabular summary of all form visits and submissions. Initially, it displays the most recent 10 records on the first page, requiring you to utilize pagination at the bottom right to access older statistics.

Field Analytics

Field analytics provides analytics for each component of a specific form. You can choose the form from the “Toggle Form” option. Each field in the form has its analytics, displayed mainly as pie charts. Segments are assigned to unique names, websites, or specific fields, enabling users to identify the segments with the highest percentage. The number of pie charts corresponds to the number of fields in the form, and if there are many segments, you can scroll through them using the down-key buttons.


The reports section empowers users with multiple options and the ability to perform multi-comparisons. It allows users to generate advanced and customizable reports containing essential information. To access “Reports”, users should navigate to the form dashboard, go to form analytics, and select the reports option. On the landing page, you will find selections like Form Submissions, Login Reports, Attachments, Payments, and Form Comparisons. On the extreme right-hand side at the top, there is an option to schedule email reports. 

The form submissions report generates a comprehensive summary of form submissions across various forms. You can customize the date range from the provided options or create your own. Use the “Select Forms” option to choose all forms or a specific one. Additionally, you can filter submissions by email for specific users. This data is available for download for future reference.

The login records report offers a date-filtering option. Users can then apply a status filter, such as success or failure, to generate a login records report.

The attachment report presents a breakdown of received file types. You also have the option to download all files attached to a form during the selected time period as a single zip file. The filter options include a date and a specific form.

The payments section compiles payment records for all payments made from the selected form within the chosen time period. Additionally, it features a payment status filter, encompassing pending, completed, canceled, and refunded payments.

The form comparison report generates a side-by-side comparison table for two chosen forms, considering various performance parameters. You can select any two forms and apply a date filter. This table offers a side-by-side analysis of several aspects, including success rate, total submissions, number of fields, total payment count, and more.

Scheduled email reports enable users to schedule and customize email reports. To create a new report, access the menu and customize its settings. Provide a name for the scheduled report and select its data source from options like Form Submissions, Logins, and Form Payments. Specify the recipients using the “Email Report To” option, choosing from options like Only Me, All Admins, or Other Users. Set the frequency for sending the email report and select the date and time for the initial report. Subsequent reports will follow this schedule. Lastly, customize the email subject and body. From the main page, you can manage scheduled email reports by deleting, enabling, or disabling them as needed.

So, the User Registration Overview, Form Analytics, Field Analytics, and Reports sections provide a comprehensive toolkit for users to gain valuable insights, manage form submissions, and generate detailed reports. From monitoring registration trends to analyzing user behavior, these features empower users to make informed decisions and optimize their forms for better performance. Additionally, the option to schedule email reports ensures timely access to critical data, making RegistrationMagic a powerful tool for form management and analytics.

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How to get WordPress user registration stats and actionable insights Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:14:02 +0000 User Registration Stats are underlying core of any serious business. Registration forms are windows for collecting user registration stats and actionable insights. So, how do we combine two of the most powerful website tools in WordPress? The thing is, more you understand your users, the better you can shape your services and products based on their demographics. […]

The post How to get WordPress user registration stats and actionable insights appeared first on RegistrationMagic.

User Registration Stats are underlying core of any serious business. Registration forms are windows for collecting user registration stats and actionable insights. So, how do we combine two of the most powerful website tools in WordPress?

The thing is, more you understand your users, the better you can shape your services and products based on their demographics. RegistrationMagic comes with basic intelligence plugged into its forms. To harness its power, you have to first understand what it means and how it can be turned into meaningful data. The section we are going to discuss today is the “Field Analytics” Extension, an oft-overlooked part of RegistrationMagic.

As you must already be aware, WordPress comes with spartan user fields area. Here’s how adding a new user looks like inside the dashboard on a basic WordPress installation:

WordPress User Registration Stats Default Profile Fields

WordPress User Registration Stats Default Profile Fields

Barebones, duh? Most webmasters need more (or much more) than this. This has led to a barrage of profile based plugins on WordPress repository. While most of them focus on extending profiles, RegistrationMagic is a thoroughbred registration system inside-out. Every submitted form is a solid chunk of data readily available for analysis. This information can be used in multiple ways later. Here we’ll be using RegistrationMagic to create a new user registration form with a few extra sign up fields. For sake of lucidity, we shall be using some common fields, though this can change with industry – Gender (radiobox), Country (Special Field), Age Group (drop down) and Where did you heard about us? (radiobox). “Fields Manager” can handle this easily.

Let’s skip ahead. Here’s what our new form looks like within the “Fields Manager”:

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Manager

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Manager

And the flip-side on the front end using ‘Classic’ style:

WordPress User Registration Stats Form

WordPress User Registration Stats Form

A quick peek at “Field Analytics” tab inside RegistrationMagic dashboard menu will tell us that all’s set for our data collection.

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Analytics Empty

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Analytics Empty

We can see 4 panels corresponding to 4 custom fields we added to our form. They are not displaying anything yet, but this will quickly change once users start registering on our site. Fast-forward first 10 submissions, and this area has started to look like this:

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Analytics Filled

WordPress User Registration Stats Field Analytics Filled

We now have fifty-thousand foot view of user submitted data. Remember, for granular view we can always use “Export” options in “Submissions Manager” and create pivot charts using a spreadsheet program. “Field Analytics” can store and display data for thousands of submissions.

Few important things – Pie Charts are automatically generated for option type fields. That is, when user has to select from a set of predefined options. Checkboxes are fully supported. You can also use it as poll for non-registration type forms. Or even combine it with limits for time bound polls.

So start using “Field Analytics” for better insight about your users. We’ll catch you next time with another useful demonstration of RegistrationMagic’s power.

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