Field analytics

Field analytics

Field analytics shows pie charts of statistical fields on the form. It is form specific area, so you will have to use Form Switcher for viewing the data of corresponding forms.

The form should include one of the following fields to calculate fields stats:

  • Drop down/Select
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Country

Statics from these fields will automatically be displayed in form of pie charts. You can quickly see at a glance which options are being favoured by your users, and channel decision(s) to make the most of it.

Note that clearing form analytics has no effect on fields analytics.


Getting Started 4

Create Form 26

Login Form 6

Configure 23

Integrations 5

Payments 6

Security 3

Publish 12

Management 14

Analyze 2

Actions 10

Breakthrough Ideas 7

Premium License 1

Plugin Areas