
How to Sort Registration Forms in a WordPress Dashboard?


Effectively managing various forms on your WordPress dashboard is crucial for an organized and streamlined user experience. In this article, we will explore the functionalities of the RegistrationMagic plugin, guiding you through sorting forms.

How to Sort Registration Forms in a WordPress Dashboard?

To sort forms in a WordPress dashboard, navigate to the All Forms section from the plugin menu.

All Forms Section of the RegistrationMagic

The option to sort forms has now been integrated within the columns in the new All Form dashboard. The columns that have the Sorting sign allow sorting of the rows.

Click the sorting button adjacent to the Form Name column to arrange it alphabetically.

Alphabetic Sort on the Form Name column

Click the sorting button next to the Submissions column to arrange it based on the count of total submissions.

Sorting with the Submissions column

Click the sorting button next to the Created On column to arrange the forms based on the date they were created, either from earliest to latest, or vice-versa.

Date-wise Sort on Created On column

In the RegistrationMagic plugin, several sorting options are available based on form title, number of submissions, and creation date. This feature offers flexibility in managing forms according to your specific requirements.

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