How to configure WordPress form notification emails?
Users expect a success message or an account verification email upon registration. A verification email boosts the confidence of the user. With verification email users gain trust in your brand. In this article, we will be learning to configure WordPress form notification emails to users and admin.
Every successful registration sends an email to user and the admin. However, you can configure WordPress form notification emails templates for users and admins differently.
Related: Create Intelligent Contact Form in WordPress [Breakthrough Ideas]
Step by Step Tutorial
From the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard go to “All Forms”. Click on “Dashboard” from your form.
The “Dashboard” page allows you to modify, manage and incorporate settings for different conditions.
Navigate into “Email Templates” under the “Configure” section.
You can configure WordPress form notification emails to users and admin from this page. You can also modify the Email Templates sent out to users and admin.
Configuring Notification Email for User
The first field is termed “New User Email Subject”. In the input box enter the subject of the email to be sent to the new user.
Next field configures the text that will be sent to the user via email. This email body is supported by HTML and Mail Merge. You can add media files, rich text and other elements for customizing the message.
Scroll down to User Verification Email subject field. This is the subject of the email sent to the user for verification. The user verification email body is customizable. The content is delivered to the user for account verification.
You can configure the code to auto-expire the link after certain time period. To make this work you must configure “User Account Activation Method”. Navigate to “User Accounts” from “Global Settings”.
From “User Accounts” you can activate and deactivate accounts. You can also send verification emails to your users.
The number “48” indicates the hours after which the link will be going to expire. Till the expiry time, users can follow the link to activate their account.
Configuring Notification Email for Admin
Let’s configure the emails sent to the admin on user activation.
The first field configures “Active User Email Subject”. Fill the input box with the subject of the email to be sent to the admin. The next field configures the text sent via email to the admin. This email body is supported by HTML and Mail Merge. It contains the activation link to active users, as well.
You can add media files or customize the text with Rich Text. The sender email of this content will be the admin email on your WordPress dashboard.
Important Note: The website admin will receive latest form submission details and the user activation email as two separate emails.
The next field configures the subject of the email which admin receives with a new submission. The admin will receive emails with attached submission, history, and user data, based on your selection of email codes. Click on Save.
Your WordPress email notification emails to Users and Admin have been successfully configured.
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When a user register on the form the plugin send 2 user notification e-mails:
“New User E-mail” and “User Verification E-mail”.
We need only the “User Verification E-mail”, and we have to switch off the New User E-mail, but we couldn’t find where we can do this (we tried it in the Global Settings and in the email templates too)
Thank you for your help.
Hi Adrienn,
The New User email is sent whenever a new user registers on the site. There is no option to disable it. However, we have noted your concern and will add a feature to disable this in an upcoming plugin update.
It would be a really great feature to turn off and on individual emails. For example, I noticed the email that is sent to admin with user approval button in it, is sent to the default WordPress admin, I wish I could either disable this email, or at least send it to the same place as the others (which is controllable via Global Settings > Email Configuration? I would have through the approval email to admins would go to the “Notify Site Admin – Define recipients manually” list, but evidently not.
Hi MatthewP,
The user approval email is sent to the admin defined from the Global Settings. The email cannot be entirely disabled as it is an important part of the user approval process.
I have a premium version of your plugin, I want to send user login details on the activation email not on the new user email, when i try to paste the shortcodes for the user login details on the email template for user activation, the shortcodes appears as plain text.
How to get it working like i want,
The shortcode works in the particular email template itself and it’s not feasible to use it in any other email template. We have made a note of your requirement for review and analysis.
Hi is it possible when user fill create account form that the form will receive me as the same fields via email so we can easily track client what he fills form
I have the premium version. When I try to sign in without validating my account, the error message that appears tells me a {{SEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL}} link that I click but nothing happens. The link does not work. Can you help me
Thank you
The issue related to this was resolved in one of the previous versions we launched. Please make sure you are using the latest version of RegistrationMagic and verify again.
Please i can’t seem to figure my smtp configuration, I’m using the premium version of registratiomagic. Can i please get any help?
To configure SMTP, login to your admin dashboard and go to RegistrationMagic > Global Settings > Email Notifications. Please refer to the following link for further details:
I have premium version of this plugin.
Is it possible to add additional form fields to the admin email notification – username and email tells me little about the person?
The submission information is sent to the admin in the new form notification as well as the PDF that is sent to the admin.
Dear Support Team,
Greetings, hope you are doing well!
I have premium version of this plugin.
I am able to just receive the notification from the first email template from the email templates list “New User Email Subject” not for the others like
“User Verification Email”
“User Activation Email”
and for admin… can you please guide? if you have any video demos? and do you have any predefined template for an autoresponder? how can we use that?
Since you mentioned “New User Email Subject” is going through, then other emails should also be working. Those might be getting routed to other email folders than inbox, i.e in spams, updates, promotion etc. Please verify and let us know if you still think it is a problem.
Hi, have you solved?
This is my problem:
I want to generate this workflow for user registration comunication to user:
1) User submit form
2) User receive welcome message
3) User receive link activation with 48 hour expire and user if deactivate
4) If user link to activation link and confirm user e password user will be activated
5) User receive message that user is now active
I can do everythik except point 5.
I look to Global Setting / User Profile and it’s set to send email notification link, in my form the WordPress Registration Auto Approval is setting to Default.
My problem is that user don’t receive “User Activation Email”.
If “Send Verification Email to User” option is enabled, user needs to activate his/her account by clicking the link received in verification email- it redirects to RegistrationMagic submission page displaying message: “You have successfully verified your email. Your account is now active. You can login below.”
Please check this screenshot for your reference- Thus, account activation email is not sent to user cause on submission page itself, user is notified that his/her account is active and accessible.