

This section of RegistrationMagic allows you to configure the form’s submission limits. Available settings are…

Limit Submissions

Enable this option if you would like to disable the form automatically once the form reaches a specific number of submissions, or a specific date, or whichever is reached first.

Set Limitations – By Number/By Date

Requires Limit Submissions option to be enabled

Choose the type of form submission limit to auto disable the form for any further submissions. You can also display the limit above the form, if required. Available limit types are…

  1. By Submissions
  2. By Date
  3. Set Both (Whichever is earlier)
  4. By Custom Status

Limit by Number

Requires Limit Submissions option to be enabled

Set a specific number from this field and the form will not be visible to users after this many form submissions are complete. However, you can reset this limit at any time in future for extending the submission restriction.

Ideal for using on forms which require a limited number of users to register, such as for a sports event where seats are limited.

Limit by Date

Requires Limit Submissions option to be enabled

Set the date from this field on which the form will no longer be visible to users for registration. The form will not accept submissions starting from this date, however, you can reset the date to a later one any time to extend the submission restriction.

Ideal for using on forms that have a last day till which registrations remain valid, such as for a new year party which is celebrated on 31st December and not after it.

Limit Action

Requires Limit Submissions option to be enabled

Choose from here what the users will see once the form’s set limit is reached. You have two options here…

  1. Display a Message: Users will see this message instead of the form once its limit is reached.
  2. Display Another Form: Set another RegistrationMagic form from here that the users will see once this form’s set limit is reached.


Limit submission to only those users who already have form submission(s) with the selected Custom Status(es).


Getting Started 4

Create Form 26

Login Form 6

Configure 23

Integrations 5

Payments 6

Security 3

Publish 12

Management 14

Analyze 2

Actions 10

Breakthrough Ideas 7

Premium License 1

Plugin Areas