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Dashboard – Dashboard is the main landing page of the plugin from where you can access major areas with a single click. You can reach here by clicking “Registrations” on the left side WordPress default menu. It displays all forms in square tile view. Global settings, Individual form settings, custom fields, submissions, all can be accessed from here.
Global Settings – Global Settings neatly combine all options that affect all forms. Some options that made little sense to be configured for individual forms also made it here. Options are divided into sections accessible by clicking relevant icons.
Form Settings – Form Settings are set of options that apply to individual forms. These options need to be set during form creation or they will keep their default values. You can come back and edit the settings through Edit link on the form tile or by clicking the icon on the custom fields section.
Submissions – We define submission as the data captured by the form when a user visiting the site successfully submits the form. It is not necessary that the user Registers as WP user during this process. Therefore submission is a general word for entries of both contact and registration forms.
User – User is the person who submits the form on the front end of your site. The word user will appear at many places in the dashboard area and do not confuse it with the site owner or WordPress admin(s).
Admin – Admin is the person who is has management access to the plugin and can modify settings and forms. In most cases, this is you!
Visitor – Visitor word is used sporadically denoting the front end visitor who opens the form page but does not submits the form or fails to submit the form. This definition is used in Analytics area for dividing important statistics.
WP Account or WP Registration – This refers to registering an user as WordPress user through a registration form. Handy if you want the users to access a private area using the username and password they receive after submitting the form.
Username – Username is the name picked by the user to log into your site’s front-end private area after successfully registering on your site. This is unique for every user.
Custom Field – These are the fields created by Admin that user sees and fills while submitting a form. These fields can be defined and sorted by the Admin from form’s Fields section.
Shortcode – Shortcode is the small snippet of a text unique to each form which can be pasted inside any post, page or widget to display that specific form to site visitors.
Form Switcher – Many pages show content specific to a form. Form Switcher is a small drop down list that appears on many pages which allows to switch the form, refreshing the page and reloading content specific to the form chosen from the list.
Sample Form – Throughout the documentation we will use a Sample Form, for demonstrating various operations. It will have 4 fields – First Name (Text), Last Name (Text), Date of Birth (DatePicker) and Short Bio (Text Area).