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General Settings
The Global General Settings allow you to tweak all forms on your site from one place, instead of tweaking them individually. Available Global General Settings are…
Form Style
Select the visual style of your forms from the dropdown list. Classic applies a set neutral tone to the form which looks pleasing with all kinds of WordPress themes. Match My Theme will let forms pick visual elements automatically from your active WordPress theme. When Match My Theme is selected, you can also override the design of individual forms from inside the Form Dashboard >> Build >> Design.
Select the position of field labels and columns for your forms. Available layouts are…
- Label left: This will set the label to the left and the field to its right. The most common layout is used for form on the web. This layout is also selected by default.
- Label top: This will set the label on the top and the field at the bottom. This layout will work better with themes that offer narrower content areas.
- Two columns: This will set the form layout to have two columns. Labels will be on top and fields at the bottom. This layout will work better with themes that offer a wide content area.
Allowed File Types
Set restrictions on the type of files that can be allowed to be attached to your File type fields. You will need to define extensions of the file types in this field. For multiple extensions, separate the names of the extension using the pipe “|” symbol. Like this…
jpg | jpeg | png | gif | doc | pdf | docx | txt
Allow Uploading Multiple Files
Enabling this option will allow users to attach multiple files to single file fields in your forms.
Hide WordPress Toolbar
Enable this option to hide the WordPress Toolbar on top of the screen for users that are already logged in.
Show Form Limits above the Form?
Enable this option to show form filling status above the form when Limits are turned on for it. For example, “2 OUT OF 50 FILLED” for registration-based limit, or “2 DAYS TO GO” for time-based limit.
Logo on Submission PDF Header
Add an image file from here to brand form submission PDFs with your own business logo. All image file formats are supported.
Logo Text
Add a line of text under your logo on form submissions’ PDF headers. The text will be added just below the logo on form submission PDFs. You can use this text as a note, or part of your branding.
Submission Badge count on Form Card
Set a criterion on the basis of which the number of form submissions will be visible in the form cards at the All Forms screen. The Submission Badge is the number at the top right corner of a form card.
Show Asterisk on Required Fields
Enable this option to display the red Asterisk (*) sign on the top right side of a field label, giving a visual indication that it is a required field and must be filled in before submitting the form. A red Asterisk is a common sign used widely on web forms to indicate required fields.
Submission PDF font
Users get to select the font style on Submission PDFs. From here, they can select the fonts that are supported in their system.