
Automation On WordPress User Account Activation or Deactivation

Automation On WordPress user account state (Activated or Deactivated)

A WordPress user account can be in an active or inactive state. Enabling the user account automation rule allows you to select users groups according to their account status. Automation eliminates the manual efforts and execute the tasks based on account state, automatically. In this article, we will be discussing automation on WordPress user account state activation or deactivation.

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Complete Automation Guide for WordPress Forms

Automation feature

Click “Automation” from the RegistrationMagic plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

Automation On WordPress User Account

You can create a new task from the Automation page. Select the form you want to act upon from the toggle drop-down.

Automation On WordPress User Account manager

Creating a task to automate actions

Click “New Task”.

Automation On WordPress User Account new task

Assign a unique name to the task. Here we automate actions based on WordPress user account state. Fill the description.

Go to the next page. Check the “User Account Rule” checkbox. It allows you to select users according to the user account state.

Selecting the activated user account radio button assigns automation tasks to active accounts only. Similarly, selecting the deactivated user account radio button assigns automation task to deactivated accounts only.

We will bypass other rules as of now, since focus of this article is on automation based on WordPress user account state.

Automation On WordPress User Account options

Navigate to the last page.

Automation On WordPress User Account action

You can act on the selected user accounts by activating, deactivating or deleting accounts.

The user account is activated or deactivated depending on the selected submissions. You might even choose not to take any action on account state, and just configure automated emails.

One can send emails to user accounts associated with selected account state.

Automation On WordPress User Account output

Click “Save” to complete the setup. Run your task to automate actions on WordPress user account state.

This completes the setup of automation on WordPress user account state. Note that you can apply multiple rules and setup as many automated emails as you like, as per your need.

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