
How to Delete a Registration Form in WordPress?


Sometimes, removing the existing forms might be required to declutter your site, when those are not being used anymore. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to successfully delete a form using the RegistrationMagic plugin.

How to Delete a Registration Form in WordPress?

After logging in, navigate to the All Forms section from the plugin menu.

All Forms Section of the RegistrationMagic

Next, choose the form you want to delete. For every form, the Delete option will be listed in the pop-up contextual menu.

Delete attribute for Test – 1(copy) Form

Clicking on the Delete will display a warning message indicating this action will also remove all associated data, submissions, and payment records. However, user accounts will not be affected.

Statutory Warning for Deleting a Form

By pressing the OK button, the form gets deleted.

Deleted Test – 1(copy) from All Form Dashboard

Deleting a WordPress form in the RegistrationMagic plugin is simple and can be done with just a few clicks.

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